Protect Yourself From Employment Identity Theft

Protect Yourself From Employment Identity Theft
May 1, 2024

Identity theft has proven to be a significant issue in the United States. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2023 received reports of over 23.9 million U.S. residents suffered from identity theft in 2021. This report revealed the number included ages starting from sixteen and older. 

Many cases have revealed that the victim did not know about the crime for long periods. One example concerns financial identity theft, which can go unnoticed for months or years. Though it is common sense to protect credit card numbers and other financial information, hackers and thieves have evolved, as in the technology used to protect consumers’ information. One type of identity theft many people rarely consider is employment identity theft.

Employment identity theft is when a thief steals your identity and uses it to gain employment using your name and other personal details. Thieves do this for many reasons, such as having a criminal record or lacking the authority to work in the United States. Regardless of the reason, their actions cause significant challenges for the victim.

One problem that employment identity theft causes involves reported income. This theft combines the thief’s and victim’s income, leaving the victim responsible for taxes on the thief’s income. Furthermore, the thief could tarnish the victim’s reputation. Another serious issue is the thief potentially stealing the victim’s tax refund.

Here are some steps consumers can take to protect their identity:


Anyone suspecting of employment identity theft should consider running a self-background check. A self-check allows consumers to review their credit and background reports. Consumers should report whether someone has stolen their identity and committed employment identity theft or other fraud with their identity. They can report this theft on the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) website, IdentityTheft.gov. The FTC can help consumers develop a personalized recovery plan to avoid further fraud and repair the damages.

Protect and guard your personal information and your identity with a seamless self background check. Try it today.



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