Towards Data Science The world’s leading publication for data science, AI, and ML professionals. Thu, 06 Mar 2025 19:59:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Towards Data Science 32 32 How to Spot and Prevent Model Drift Before it Impacts Your Business Thu, 06 Mar 2025 19:22:22 +0000 3 essential methods to track model drift you should know

The post How to Spot and Prevent Model Drift Before it Impacts Your Business appeared first on Towards Data Science.

Despite the AI hype, many tech companies still rely heavily on machine learning to power critical applications, from personalized recommendations to fraud detection. 

I’ve seen firsthand how undetected drifts can result in significant costs — missed fraud detection, lost revenue, and suboptimal business outcomes, just to name a few. So, it’s crucial to have robust monitoring in place if your company has deployed or plans to deploy machine learning models into production.

Undetected Model Drift can lead to significant financial losses, operational inefficiencies, and even damage to a company’s reputation. To mitigate these risks, it’s important to have effective model monitoring, which involves:

  • Tracking model performance
  • Monitoring feature distributions
  • Detecting both univariate and multivariate drifts

A well-implemented monitoring system can help identify issues early, saving considerable time, money, and resources.

In this comprehensive guide, I’ll provide a framework on how to think about and implement effective Model Monitoring, helping you stay ahead of potential issues and ensure stability and reliability of your models in production.

What’s the difference between feature drift and score drift?

Score drift refers to a gradual change in the distribution of model scores. If left unchecked, this could lead to a decline in model performance, making the model less accurate over time.

On the other hand, feature drift occurs when one or more features experience changes in the distribution. These changes in feature values can affect the underlying relationships that the model has learned, and ultimately lead to inaccurate model predictions.

Simulating score shifts

To model real-world fraud detection challenges, I created a synthetic dataset with five financial transaction features.

The reference dataset represents the original distribution, while the production dataset introduces shifts to simulate an increase in high-value transactions without PIN verification on newer accounts, indicating an increase in fraud.

Each feature has different underlying distributions:

  • Transaction Amount: Log-normal distribution (right-skewed with a long tail)
  • Account Age (months): clipped normal distribution between 0 to 60 (assuming a 5-year-old company)
  • Time Since Last Transaction: Exponential distribution
  • Transaction Count: Poisson distribution
  • Entered PIN: Binomial distribution.

To approximate model scores, I randomly assigned weights to these features and applied a sigmoid function to constrain predictions between 0 to 1. This mimics how a logistic regression fraud model generates risk scores.

As shown in the plot below:

  • Drifted features: Transaction Amount, Account Age, Transaction Count, and Entered PIN all experienced shifts in distribution, scale, or relationships.
Distribution of drifted features (image by author)
  • Stable feature: Time Since Last Transaction remained unchanged.
Distribution of stable feature (image by author)
  • Drifted scores: As a result of the drifted features, the distribution in model scores has also changed.
Distribution of model scores (image by author)

This setup allows us to analyze how feature drift impacts model scores in production.

Detecting model score drift using PSI

To monitor model scores, I used population stability index (PSI) to measure how much model score distribution has shifted over time.

PSI works by binning continuous model scores and comparing the proportion of scores in each bin between the reference and production datasets. It compares the differences in proportions and their logarithmic ratios to compute a single summary statistic to quantify the drift.

Python implementation:

# Define function to calculate PSI given two datasets
def calculate_psi(reference, production, bins=10):
  # Discretize scores into bins
  min_val, max_val = 0, 1
  bin_edges = np.linspace(min_val, max_val, bins + 1)

  # Calculate proportions in each bin
  ref_counts, _ = np.histogram(reference, bins=bin_edges)
  prod_counts, _ = np.histogram(production, bins=bin_edges)

  ref_proportions = ref_counts / len(reference)
  prod_proportions = prod_counts / len(production)
  # Avoid division by zero
  ref_proportions = np.clip(ref_proportions, 1e-8, 1)
  prod_proportions = np.clip(prod_proportions, 1e-8, 1)

  # Calculate PSI for each bin
  psi = np.sum((ref_proportions - prod_proportions) * np.log(ref_proportions / prod_proportions))

  return psi
# Calculate PSI
psi_value = calculate_psi(ref_data['model_score'], prod_data['model_score'], bins=10)
print(f"PSI Value: {psi_value}")

Below is a summary of how to interpret PSI values:

  • PSI < 0.1: No drift, or very minor drift (distributions are almost identical).
  • 0.1 ≤ PSI < 0.25: Some drift. The distributions are somewhat different.
  • 0.25 ≤ PSI < 0.5: Moderate drift. A noticeable shift between the reference and production distributions.
  • PSI ≥ 0.5: Significant drift. There is a large shift, indicating that the distribution in production has changed substantially from the reference data.
Histogram of model score distributions (image by author)

The PSI value of 0.6374 suggests a significant drift between our reference and production datasets. This aligns with the histogram of model score distributions, which visually confirms the shift towards higher scores in production — indicating an increase in risky transactions.

Detecting feature drift

Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for numeric features

The Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test is my preferred method for detecting drift in numeric features, because it is non-parametric, meaning it doesn’t assume a normal distribution.

The test compares a feature’s distribution in the reference and production datasets by measuring the maximum difference between the empirical cumulative distribution functions (ECDFs). The resulting K-S statistic ranges from 0 to 1:

  • 0 indicates no difference between the two distributions.
  • Values closer to 1 suggest a greater shift.

Python implementation:

# Create an empty dataframe
ks_results = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Feature', 'KS Statistic', 'p-value', 'Drift Detected'])

# Loop through all features and perform the K-S test
for col in numeric_cols:
    ks_stat, p_value = ks_2samp(ref_data[col], prod_data[col])
    drift_detected = p_value < 0.05
		# Store results in the dataframe
    ks_results = pd.concat([
            'Feature': [col],
            'KS Statistic': [ks_stat],
            'p-value': [p_value],
            'Drift Detected': [drift_detected]
    ], ignore_index=True)

Below are ECDF charts of the four numeric features in our dataset:

ECDFs of four numeric features (image by author)

Let’s look at the account age feature as an example: the x-axis represents account age (0-50 months), while the y-axis shows the ECDF for both reference and production datasets. The production dataset skews towards newer accounts, as it has a larger proportion of observations with lower account ages.

Chi-Square test for categorical features

To detect shifts in categorical and boolean features, I like to use the Chi-Square test.

This test compares the frequency distribution of a categorical feature in the reference and production datasets, and returns two values:

  • Chi-Square statistic: A higher value indicates a greater shift between the reference and production datasets.
  • P-value: A p-value below 0.05 suggests that the difference between the reference and production datasets is statistically significant, indicating potential feature drift.

Python implementation:

# Create empty dataframe with corresponding column names
chi2_results = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Feature', 'Chi-Square Statistic', 'p-value', 'Drift Detected'])

for col in categorical_cols:
    # Get normalized value counts for both reference and production datasets
    ref_counts = ref_data[col].value_counts(normalize=True)
    prod_counts = prod_data[col].value_counts(normalize=True)

    # Ensure all categories are represented in both
    all_categories = set(ref_counts.index).union(set(prod_counts.index))
    ref_counts = ref_counts.reindex(all_categories, fill_value=0)
    prod_counts = prod_counts.reindex(all_categories, fill_value=0)

    # Create contingency table
    contingency_table = np.array([ref_counts * len(ref_data), prod_counts * len(prod_data)])

    # Perform Chi-Square test
    chi2_stat, p_value, _, _ = chi2_contingency(contingency_table)
    drift_detected = p_value < 0.05

    # Store results in chi2_results dataframe
    chi2_results = pd.concat([
            'Feature': [col],
            'Chi-Square Statistic': [chi2_stat],
            'p-value': [p_value],
            'Drift Detected': [drift_detected]
    ], ignore_index=True)

The Chi-Square statistic of 57.31 with a p-value of 3.72e-14 confirms a large shift in our categorical feature, Entered PIN. This finding aligns with the histogram below, which visually illustrates the shift:

Distribution of categorical feature (image by author)

Detecting multivariate shifts

Spearman Correlation for shifts in pairwise interactions

In addition to monitoring individual feature shifts, it’s important to track shifts in relationships or interactions between features, known as multivariate shifts. Even if the distributions of individual features remain stable, multivariate shifts can signal meaningful differences in the data.

By default, Pandas’ .corr() function calculates Pearson correlation, which only captures linear relationships between variables. However, relationships between features are often non-linear yet still follow a consistent trend.

To capture this, we use Spearman correlation to measure monotonic relationships between features. It captures whether features change together in a consistent direction, even if their relationship isn’t strictly linear.

To assess shifts in feature relationships, we compare:

  • Reference correlation (ref_corr): Captures historical feature relationships in the reference dataset.
  • Production correlation (prod_corr): Captures new feature relationships in production.
  • Absolute difference in correlation: Measures how much feature relationships have shifted between the reference and production datasets. Higher values indicate more significant shifts.

Python implementation:

# Calculate correlation matrices
ref_corr = ref_data.corr(method='spearman')
prod_corr = prod_data.corr(method='spearman')

# Calculate correlation difference
corr_diff = abs(ref_corr - prod_corr)

Example: Change in correlation

Now, let’s look at the correlation between transaction_amount and account_age_in_months:

  • In ref_corr, the correlation is 0.00095, indicating a weak relationship between the two features.
  • In prod_corr, the correlation is -0.0325, indicating a weak negative correlation.
  • Absolute difference in the Spearman correlation is 0.0335, which is a small but noticeable shift.

The absolute difference in correlation indicates a shift in the relationship between transaction_amount and account_age_in_months.

There used to be no relationship between these two features, but the production dataset indicates that there is now a weak negative correlation, meaning that newer accounts have higher transaction amounts. This is spot on!

Autoencoder for complex, high-dimensional multivariate shifts

In addition to monitoring pairwise interactions, we can also look for shifts across more dimensions in the data.

Autoencoders are powerful tools for detecting high-dimensional multivariate shifts, where multiple features collectively change in ways that may not be apparent from looking at individual feature distributions or pairwise correlations.

An autoencoder is a neural network that learns a compressed representation of data through two components:

  • Encoder: Compresses input data into a lower-dimensional representation.
  • Decoder: Reconstructs the original input from the compressed representation.

To detect shifts, we compare the reconstructed output to the original input and compute the reconstruction loss.

  • Low reconstruction loss → The autoencoder successfully reconstructs the data, meaning the new observations are similar to what it has seen and learned.
  • High reconstruction loss → The production data deviates significantly from the learned patterns, indicating potential drift.

Unlike traditional drift metrics that focus on individual features or pairwise relationships, autoencoders capture complex, non-linear dependencies across multiple variables simultaneously.

Python implementation:

ref_features = ref_data[numeric_cols + categorical_cols]
prod_features = prod_data[numeric_cols + categorical_cols]

# Normalize the data
scaler = StandardScaler()
ref_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(ref_features)
prod_scaled = scaler.transform(prod_features)

# Split reference data into train and validation
train_size = int(0.8 * len(ref_scaled))
train_data = ref_scaled[:train_size]
val_data = ref_scaled[train_size:]

# Build autoencoder
input_dim = ref_features.shape[1]
encoding_dim = 3 
# Input layer
input_layer = Input(shape=(input_dim, ))
# Encoder
encoded = Dense(8, activation="relu")(input_layer)
encoded = Dense(encoding_dim, activation="relu")(encoded)
# Decoder
decoded = Dense(8, activation="relu")(encoded)
decoded = Dense(input_dim, activation="linear")(decoded)
# Autoencoder
autoencoder = Model(input_layer, decoded)
autoencoder.compile(optimizer="adam", loss="mse")

# Train autoencoder
history =
    train_data, train_data,
    validation_data=(val_data, val_data),

# Calculate reconstruction error
ref_pred = autoencoder.predict(ref_scaled, verbose=0)
prod_pred = autoencoder.predict(prod_scaled, verbose=0)

ref_mse = np.mean(np.power(ref_scaled - ref_pred, 2), axis=1)
prod_mse = np.mean(np.power(prod_scaled - prod_pred, 2), axis=1)

The charts below show the distribution of reconstruction loss between both datasets.

Distribution of reconstruction loss between actuals and predictions (image by author)

The production dataset has a higher mean reconstruction error than that of the reference dataset, indicating a shift in the overall data. This aligns with the changes in the production dataset with a higher number of newer accounts with high-value transactions.


Model monitoring is an essential, yet often overlooked, responsibility for data scientists and machine learning engineers.

All the statistical methods led to the same conclusion, which aligns with the observed shifts in the data: they detected a trend in production towards newer accounts making higher-value transactions. This shift resulted in higher model scores, signaling an increase in potential fraud.

In this post, I covered techniques for detecting drift on three different levels:

  • Model score drift: Using Population Stability Index (PSI)
  • Individual feature drift: Using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for numeric features and Chi-Square test for categorical features
  • Multivariate drift: Using Spearman correlation for pairwise interactions and autoencoders for high-dimensional, multivariate shifts.

These are just a few of the techniques I rely on for comprehensive monitoring — there are plenty of other equally valid statistical methods that can also detect drift effectively.

Detected shifts often point to underlying issues that warrant further investigation. The root cause could be as serious as a data collection bug, or as minor as a time change like daylight savings time adjustments.

There are also fantastic python packages, like, that automate many of these comparisons. However, I believe there’s significant value in deeply understanding the statistical techniques behind drift detection, rather than relying solely on these tools.

What’s the model monitoring process like at places you’ve worked?

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👉🏻 I run the AI Weekender and write weekly blog posts on data science, AI weekend projects, career advice for professionals in data.


The post How to Spot and Prevent Model Drift Before it Impacts Your Business appeared first on Towards Data Science.

One-Tailed Vs. Two-Tailed Tests Thu, 06 Mar 2025 04:22:42 +0000 Choosing between one- and two-tailed hypotheses affects every stage of A/B testing. Learn why the hypothesis direction matters and explore the pros and cons of each approach.

The post One-Tailed Vs. Two-Tailed Tests appeared first on Towards Data Science.


If you’ve ever analyzed data using built-in t-test functions, such as those in R or SciPy, here’s a question for you: have you ever adjusted the default setting for the alternative hypothesis? If your answer is no—or if you’re not even sure what this means—then this blog post is for you!

The alternative hypothesis parameter, commonly referred to as “one-tailed” versus “two-tailed” in statistics, defines the expected direction of the difference between control and treatment groups. In a two-tailed test, we assess whether there is any difference in mean values between the groups, without specifying a direction. A one-tailed test, on the other hand, posits a specific direction—whether the control group’s mean is either less than or greater than that of the treatment group.

Choosing between one- and two-tailed hypotheses might seem like a minor detail, but it affects every stage of A/B testing: from test planning to Data Analysis and results interpretation. This article builds a theoretical foundation on why the hypothesis direction matters and explores the pros and cons of each approach.

One-tailed vs. two-tailed hypothesis testing: Understanding the difference

To understand the importance of choosing between one-tailed and two-tailed hypotheses, let’s briefly review the basics of the t-test, the commonly used method in A/B testing. Like other Hypothesis Testing methods, the t-test begins with a conservative assumption: there is no difference between the two groups (the null hypothesis). Only if we find strong evidence against this assumption can we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the treatment has had an effect.

But what qualifies as “strong evidence”? To that end, a rejection region is determined under the null hypothesis and all results that fall within this region are deemed so unlikely that we take them as evidence against the feasibility of the null hypothesis. The size of this rejection region is based on a predetermined probability, known as alpha (α), which represents the likelihood of incorrectly rejecting the null hypothesis. 

What does this have to do with the direction of the alternative hypothesis? Quite a bit, actually. While the alpha level determines the size of the rejection region, the alternative hypothesis dictates its placement. In a one-tailed test, where we hypothesize a specific direction of difference, the rejection region is situated in only one tail of the distribution. For a hypothesized positive effect (e..g., that the treatment group mean is higher than the control group mean), the rejection region would lie in the right tail, creating a right-tailed test. Conversely, if we hypothesize a negative effect (e.g., that the treatment group mean is less than the control group mean), the rejection region would be placed in the left tail, resulting in a left-tailed test.

In contrast, a two-tailed test allows for the detection of a difference in either direction, so the rejection region is split between both tails of the distribution. This accommodates the possibility of observing extreme values in either direction, whether the effect is positive or negative.

To build intuition, let’s visualize how the rejection regions appear under the different hypotheses. Recall that according to the null hypothesis, the difference between the two groups should center around zero. Thanks to the central limit theorem, we also know this distribution approximates a normal distribution. Consequently, the rejection areas corresponding to the different alternative hypothesis look like that:

Why does it make a difference?

The choice of direction for the alternative hypothesis impacts the entire A/B testing process, starting with the planning phase—specifically, in determining the sample size. Sample size is calculated based on the desired power of the test, which is the probability of detecting a true difference between the two groups when one exists. To compute power, we examine the area under the alternative hypothesis that corresponds to the rejection region (since power reflects the ability to reject the null hypothesis when the alternative hypothesis is true).

Since the direction of the hypothesis affects the size of this rejection region, power is generally lower for a two-tailed hypothesis. This is due to the rejection region being divided across both tails, making it more challenging to detect an effect in any one direction. The following graph illustrates the comparison between the two types of hypotheses. Note that the purple area is larger for the one-tailed hypothesis, compared to the two-tailed hypothesis:

In practice, to maintain the desired power level, we compensate for the reduced power of a two-tailed hypothesis by increasing the sample size (Increasing sample size raises power, though the mechanics of this can be a topic for a separate article). Thus, the choice between one- and two-tailed hypotheses directly influences the required sample size for your test. 

Beyond the planning phase, the choice of alternative hypothesis directly impacts the analysis and interpretation of results. There are cases where a test may reach significance with a one-tailed approach but not with a two-tailed one, and vice versa. Reviewing the previous graph can help illustrate this: for example, a result in the left tail might be significant under a two-tailed hypothesis but not under a right one-tailed hypothesis. Conversely, certain results might fall within the rejection region of a right one-tailed test but lie outside the rejection area in a two-tailed test.

How to decide between a one-tailed and two-tailed hypothesis

Let’s start with the bottom line: there’s no absolute right or wrong choice here. Both approaches are valid, and the primary consideration should be your specific business needs. To help you decide which option best suits your company, we’ll outline the key pros and cons of each.

At first glance, a one-tailed alternative may appear to be the clear choice, as it often aligns better with business objectives. In industry applications, the focus is typically on improving specific metrics rather than exploring a treatment’s impact in both directions. This is especially relevant in A/B testing, where the goal is often to optimize conversion rates or enhance revenue. If the treatment doesn’t lead to a significant improvement the examined change won’t be implemented.

Beyond this conceptual advantage, we have already mentioned one key benefit of a one-tailed hypothesis: it requires a smaller sample size. Thus, choosing a one-tailed alternative can save both time and resources. To illustrate this advantage, the following graphs show the required sample sizes for one- and two-tailed hypotheses with different power levels (alpha is set at 5%).

In this context, the decision between one- and two-tailed hypotheses becomes particularly important in sequential testing—a method that allows for ongoing data analysis without inflating the alpha level. Here, selecting a one-tailed test can significantly reduce the duration of the test, enabling faster decision-making, which is especially valuable in dynamic business environments where prompt responses are essential.

However, don’t be too quick to dismiss the two-tailed hypothesis! It has its own advantages. In some business contexts, the ability to detect “negative significant results” is a major benefit. As one client once shared, he preferred negative significant results over inconclusive ones because they offer valuable learning opportunities. Even if the outcome wasn’t as expected, he could conclude that the treatment had a negative effect and gain insights into the product.

Another benefit of two-tailed tests is their straightforward interpretation using confidence intervals (CIs). In two-tailed tests, a CI that doesn’t include zero directly indicates significance, making it easier for practitioners to interpret results at a glance. This clarity is particularly appealing since CIs are widely used in A/B testing platforms. Conversely, with one-tailed tests, a significant result might still include zero in the CI, potentially leading to confusion or mistrust in the findings. Although one-sided confidence intervals can be employed with one-tailed tests, this practice is less common.


By adjusting a single parameter, you can significantly impact your A/B testing: specifically, the sample size you need to collect and the interpretation of the results. When deciding between one- and two-tailed hypotheses, consider factors such as the available sample size, the advantages of detecting negative effects, and the convenience of aligning confidence intervals (CIs) with hypothesis testing. Ultimately, this decision should be made thoughtfully, taking into account what best fits your business needs.

(Note: all the images in this post were created by the author)

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Kubernetes — Understanding and Utilizing Probes Effectively Thu, 06 Mar 2025 03:59:54 +0000 Why proper configuration and implementation of Kubernetes probes is vital for any critical deployment

The post Kubernetes — Understanding and Utilizing Probes Effectively appeared first on Towards Data Science.


Let’s talk about Kubernetes probes and why they matter in your deployments. When managing production-facing containerized applications, even small optimizations can have enormous benefits.

Aiming to reduce deployment times, making your applications better react to scaling events, and managing the running pods healthiness requires fine-tuning your container lifecycle management. This is exactly why proper configuration — and implementation — of Kubernetes probes is vital for any critical deployment. They assist your cluster to make intelligent decisions about traffic routing, restarts, and resource allocation.

Properly configured probes dramatically improve your application reliability, reduce deployment downtime, and handle unexpected errors gracefully. In this article, we’ll explore the three types of probes available in Kubernetes and how utilizing them alongside each other helps configure more resilient systems.

Quick refresher

Understanding exactly what each probe does and some common configuration patterns is essential. Each of them serves a specific purpose in the container lifecycle and when used together, they create a rock-solid framework for maintaining your application availability and performance.

Startup: Optimizing start-up times

Start-up probes are evaluated once when a new pod is spun up because of a scale-up event or a new deployment. It serves as a gatekeeper for the rest of the container checks and fine-tuning it will help your applications better handle increased load or service degradation.

Sample Config:

    path: /health
    port: 80
  failureThreshold: 30
  periodSeconds: 10

Key takeaways:

  • Keep periodSeconds low, so that the probe fires often, quickly detecting a successful deployment.
  • Increase failureThreshold to a high enough value to accommodate for the worst-case start-up time.

The Startup probe will check whether your container has started by querying the configured path. It will additionally stop the triggering of the Liveness and Readiness probes until it is successful.

Liveness: Detecting dead containers

Your liveness probes answer a very simple question: “Is this pod still running properly?” If not, K8s will restart it.

Sample Config:

    path: /health
    port: 80
  periodSeconds: 10
  failureThreshold: 3

Key takeaways:

  • Since K8s will completely restart your container and spin up a new one, add a failureThreshold to combat intermittent abnormalities.
  • Avoid using initialDelaySeconds as it is too restrictive — use a Start-up probe instead.

Be mindful that a failing Liveness probe will bring down your currently running pod and spin up a new one, so avoid making it too aggressive — that’s for the next one.

Readiness: Handling unexpected errors

The readiness probe determines if it should start — or continue — to receive traffic. It is extremely useful in situations where your container lost connection to the database or is otherwise over-utilized and should not receive new requests.

Sample Config:

    path: /health
    port: 80
  periodSeconds: 3
  failureThreshold: 1
  timeoutSeconds: 1

Key takeaways:

  • Since this is your first guard to stopping traffic to unhealthy targets, make the probe aggressive and reduce the periodSeconds .
  • Keep failureThreshold at a minimum, you want to fail quick.
  • The timeout period should also be kept at a minimum to handle slower Containers.
  • Give the readinessProbe ample time to recover by having a longer-running livenessProbe .

Readiness probes ensure that traffic will not reach a container not ready for it and as such it’s one of the most important ones in the stack.

Putting it all together

As you can see, even if all of the probes have their own distinct uses, the best way to improve your application’s resilience strategy is using them alongside each other.

Your startup probe will assist you in scale up scenarios and new deployments, allowing your containers to be quickly brought up. They’re fired only once and also stop the execution of the rest of the probes until they successfully complete.

The liveness probe helps in dealing with dead containers suffering from non-recoverable errors and tells the cluster to bring up a new, fresh pod just for you.

The readiness probe is the one telling K8s when a pod should receive traffic or not. It can be extremely useful dealing with intermittent errors or high resource consumption resulting in slower response times.

Additional configurations

Probes can be further configured to use a command in their checks instead of an HTTP request, as well as giving ample time for the container to safely terminate. While these are useful in more specific scenarios, understanding how you can extend your deployment configuration can be beneficial, so I’d recommend doing some additional reading if your containers handle unique use cases.

Further reading:
Liveness, Readiness, and Startup Probes
Configure Liveness, Readiness and Startup Probes

The post Kubernetes — Understanding and Utilizing Probes Effectively appeared first on Towards Data Science.

Overcome Failing Document Ingestion & RAG Strategies with Agentic Knowledge Distillation Wed, 05 Mar 2025 19:50:12 +0000 Introducing the pyramid search approach

The post Overcome Failing Document Ingestion & RAG Strategies with Agentic Knowledge Distillation appeared first on Towards Data Science.


Many generative AI use cases still revolve around Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), yet consistently fall short of user expectations. Despite the growing body of research on RAG improvements and even adding Agents into the process, many solutions still fail to return exhaustive results, miss information that is critical but infrequently mentioned in the documents, require multiple search iterations, and generally struggle to reconcile key themes across multiple documents. To top it all off, many implementations still rely on cramming as much “relevant” information as possible into the model’s context window alongside detailed system and user prompts. Reconciling all this information often exceeds the model’s cognitive capacity and compromises response quality and consistency.

This is where our Agentic Knowledge Distillation + Pyramid Search Approach comes into play. Instead of chasing the best chunking strategy, retrieval algorithm, or inference-time reasoning method, my team, Jim Brown, Mason Sawtell, Sandi Besen, and I, take an agentic approach to document ingestion.

We leverage the full capability of the model at ingestion time to focus exclusively on distilling and preserving the most meaningful information from the document dataset. This fundamentally simplifies the RAG process by allowing the model to direct its reasoning abilities toward addressing the user/system instructions rather than struggling to understand formatting and disparate information across document chunks. 

We specifically target high-value questions that are often difficult to evaluate because they have multiple correct answers or solution paths. These cases are where traditional RAG solutions struggle most and existing RAG evaluation datasets are largely insufficient for testing this problem space. For our research implementation, we downloaded annual and quarterly reports from the last year for the 30 companies in the DOW Jones Industrial Average. These documents can be found through the SEC EDGAR website. The information on EDGAR is accessible and able to be downloaded for free or can be queried through EDGAR public searches. See the SEC privacy policy for additional details, information on the SEC website is “considered public information and may be copied or further distributed by users of the web site without the SEC’s permission”. We selected this dataset for two key reasons: first, it falls outside the knowledge cutoff for the models evaluated, ensuring that the models cannot respond to questions based on their knowledge from pre-training; second, it’s a close approximation for real-world business problems while allowing us to discuss and share our findings using publicly available data. 

While typical RAG solutions excel at factual retrieval where the answer is easily identified in the document dataset (e.g., “When did Apple’s annual shareholder’s meeting occur?”), they struggle with nuanced questions that require a deeper understanding of concepts across documents (e.g., “Which of the DOW companies has the most promising AI strategy?”). Our Agentic Knowledge Distillation + Pyramid Search Approach addresses these types of questions with much greater success compared to other standard approaches we tested and overcomes limitations associated with using knowledge graphs in RAG systems. 

In this article, we’ll cover how our knowledge distillation process works, key benefits of this approach, examples, and an open discussion on the best way to evaluate these types of systems where, in many cases, there is no singular “right” answer.

Building the pyramid: How Agentic Knowledge Distillation works

AI-generated image showing a pyramid structure for document ingestion with labelled sections.
Image by author and team depicting pyramid structure for document ingestion. Robots meant to represent agents building the pyramid.


Our knowledge distillation process creates a multi-tiered pyramid of information from the raw source documents. Our approach is inspired by the pyramids used in deep learning computer vision-based tasks, which allow a model to analyze an image at multiple scales. We take the contents of the raw document, convert it to markdown, and distill the content into a list of atomic insights, related concepts, document abstracts, and general recollections/memories. During retrieval it’s possible to access any or all levels of the pyramid to respond to the user request. 

How to distill documents and build the pyramid: 

  1. Convert documents to Markdown: Convert all raw source documents to Markdown. We’ve found models process markdown best for this task compared to other formats like JSON and it is more token efficient. We used Azure Document Intelligence to generate the markdown for each page of the document, but there are many other open-source libraries like MarkItDown which do the same thing. Our dataset included 331 documents and 16,601 pages. 
  2. Extract atomic insights from each page: We process documents using a two-page sliding window, which allows each page to be analyzed twice. This gives the agent the opportunity to correct any potential mistakes when processing the page initially. We instruct the model to create a numbered list of insights that grows as it processes the pages in the document. The agent can overwrite insights from the previous page if they were incorrect since it sees each page twice. We instruct the model to extract insights in simple sentences following the subject-verb-object (SVO) format and to write sentences as if English is the second language of the user. This significantly improves performance by encouraging clarity and precision. Rolling over each page multiple times and using the SVO format also solves the disambiguation problem, which is a huge challenge for knowledge graphs. The insight generation step is also particularly helpful for extracting information from tables since the model captures the facts from the table in clear, succinct sentences. Our dataset produced 216,931 total insights, about 13 insights per page and 655 insights per document.
  3. Distilling concepts from insights: From the detailed list of insights, we identify higher-level concepts that connect related information about the document. This step significantly reduces noise and redundant information in the document while preserving essential information and themes. Our dataset produced 14,824 total concepts, about 1 concept per page and 45 concepts per document. 
  4. Creating abstracts from concepts: Given the insights and concepts in the document, the LLM writes an abstract that appears both better than any abstract a human would write and more information-dense than any abstract present in the original document. The LLM generated abstract provides incredibly comprehensive knowledge about the document with a small token density that carries a significant amount of information. We produce one abstract per document, 331 total.
  5. Storing recollections/memories across documents: At the top of the pyramid we store critical information that is useful across all tasks. This can be information that the user shares about the task or information the agent learns about the dataset over time by researching and responding to tasks. For example, we can store the current 30 companies in the DOW as a recollection since this list is different from the 30 companies in the DOW at the time of the model’s knowledge cutoff. As we conduct more and more research tasks, we can continuously improve our recollections and maintain an audit trail of which documents these recollections originated from. For example, we can keep track of AI strategies across companies, where companies are making major investments, etc. These high-level connections are super important since they reveal relationships and information that are not apparent in a single page or document.
Sample subset of insights extracted from IBM 10Q, Q3 2024
Sample subset of insights extracted from IBM 10Q, Q3 2024 (page 4)

We store the text and embeddings for each layer of the pyramid (pages and up) in Azure PostgreSQL. We originally used Azure AI Search, but switched to PostgreSQL for cost reasons. This required us to write our own hybrid search function since PostgreSQL doesn’t yet natively support this feature. This implementation would work with any vector database or vector index of your choosing. The key requirement is to store and efficiently retrieve both text and vector embeddings at any level of the pyramid. 

This approach essentially creates the essence of a knowledge graph, but stores information in natural language, the way an LLM natively wants to interact with it, and is more efficient on token retrieval. We also let the LLM pick the terms used to categorize each level of the pyramid, this seemed to let the model decide for itself the best way to describe and differentiate between the information stored at each level. For example, the LLM preferred “insights” to “facts” as the label for the first level of distilled knowledge. Our goal in doing this was to better understand how an LLM thinks about the process by letting it decide how to store and group related information. 

Using the pyramid: How it works with RAG & Agents

At inference time, both traditional RAG and agentic approaches benefit from the pre-processed, distilled information ingested in our knowledge pyramid. The pyramid structure allows for efficient retrieval in both the traditional RAG case, where only the top X related pieces of information are retrieved or in the Agentic case, where the Agent iteratively plans, retrieves, and evaluates information before returning a final response. 

The benefit of the pyramid approach is that information at any and all levels of the pyramid can be used during inference. For our implementation, we used PydanticAI to create a search agent that takes in the user request, generates search terms, explores ideas related to the request, and keeps track of information relevant to the request. Once the search agent determines there’s sufficient information to address the user request, the results are re-ranked and sent back to the LLM to generate a final reply. Our implementation allows a search agent to traverse the information in the pyramid as it gathers details about a concept/search term. This is similar to walking a knowledge graph, but in a way that’s more natural for the LLM since all the information in the pyramid is stored in natural language.

Depending on the use case, the Agent could access information at all levels of the pyramid or only at specific levels (e.g. only retrieve information from the concepts). For our experiments, we did not retrieve raw page-level data since we wanted to focus on token efficiency and found the LLM-generated information for the insights, concepts, abstracts, and recollections was sufficient for completing our tasks. In theory, the Agent could also have access to the page data; this would provide additional opportunities for the agent to re-examine the original document text; however, it would also significantly increase the total tokens used. 

Here is a high-level visualization of our Agentic approach to responding to user requests:

Overview of the agentic research & response process
Image created by author and team providing an overview of the agentic research & response process

Results from the pyramid: Real-world examples

To evaluate the effectiveness of our approach, we tested it against a variety of question categories, including typical fact-finding questions and complex cross-document research and analysis tasks. 

Fact-finding (spear fishing): 

These tasks require identifying specific information or facts that are buried in a document. These are the types of questions typical RAG solutions target but often require many searches and consume lots of tokens to answer correctly. 

Example task: “What was IBM’s total revenue in the latest financial reporting?”

Example response using pyramid approach: “IBM’s total revenue for the third quarter of 2024 was $14.968 billion [ibm-10q-q3-2024.pdf, pg. 4]

Screenshot of total tokens used to research and generate response
Total tokens used to research and generate response

This result is correct (human-validated) and was generated using only 9,994 total tokens, with 1,240 tokens in the generated final response. 

Complex research and analysis: 

These tasks involve researching and understanding multiple concepts to gain a broader understanding of the documents and make inferences and informed assumptions based on the gathered facts.

Example task: “Analyze the investments Microsoft and NVIDIA are making in AI and how they are positioning themselves in the market. The report should be clearly formatted.”

Example response:

Screenshot of the response generated by the agent analyzing AI investments and positioning for Microsoft and NVIDIA.
Response generated by the agent analyzing AI investments and positioning for Microsoft and NVIDIA.

The result is a comprehensive report that executed quickly and contains detailed information about each of the companies. 26,802 total tokens were used to research and respond to the request with a significant percentage of them used for the final response (2,893 tokens or ~11%). These results were also reviewed by a human to verify their validity.

Screenshot of snippet indicating total token usage for the task
Snippet indicating total token usage for the task

Example task: “Create a report on analyzing the risks disclosed by the various financial companies in the DOW. Indicate which risks are shared and unique.”

Example response:

Screenshot of part 1 of a response generated by the agent on disclosed risks.
Part 1 of response generated by the agent on disclosed risks.
Screenshot of part 2 of a response generated by the agent on disclosed risks.
Part 2 of response generated by the agent on disclosed risks.

Similarly, this task was completed in 42.7 seconds and used 31,685 total tokens, with 3,116 tokens used to generate the final report. 

Screenshot of a snippet indicating total token usage for the task
Snippet indicating total token usage for the task

These results for both fact-finding and complex analysis tasks demonstrate that the pyramid approach efficiently creates detailed reports with low latency using a minimal amount of tokens. The tokens used for the tasks carry dense meaning with little noise allowing for high-quality, thorough responses across tasks.

Benefits of the pyramid: Why use it?

Overall, we found that our pyramid approach provided a significant boost in response quality and overall performance for high-value questions. 

Some of the key benefits we observed include: 

  • Reduced model’s cognitive load: When the agent receives the user task, it retrieves pre-processed, distilled information rather than the raw, inconsistently formatted, disparate document chunks. This fundamentally improves the retrieval process since the model doesn’t waste its cognitive capacity on trying to break down the page/chunk text for the first time. 
  • Superior table processing: By breaking down table information and storing it in concise but descriptive sentences, the pyramid approach makes it easier to retrieve relevant information at inference time through natural language queries. This was particularly important for our dataset since financial reports contain lots of critical information in tables. 
  • Improved response quality to many types of requests: The pyramid enables more comprehensive context-aware responses to both precise, fact-finding questions and broad analysis based tasks that involve many themes across numerous documents. 
  • Preservation of critical context: Since the distillation process identifies and keeps track of key facts, important information that might appear only once in the document is easier to maintain. For example, noting that all tables are represented in millions of dollars or in a particular currency. Traditional chunking methods often cause this type of information to slip through the cracks. 
  • Optimized token usage, memory, and speed: By distilling information at ingestion time, we significantly reduce the number of tokens required during inference, are able to maximize the value of information put in the context window, and improve memory use. 
  • Scalability: Many solutions struggle to perform as the size of the document dataset grows. This approach provides a much more efficient way to manage a large volume of text by only preserving critical information. This also allows for a more efficient use of the LLMs context window by only sending it useful, clear information.
  • Efficient concept exploration: The pyramid enables the agent to explore related information similar to navigating a knowledge graph, but does not require ever generating or maintaining relationships in the graph. The agent can use natural language exclusively and keep track of important facts related to the concepts it’s exploring in a highly token-efficient and fluid way. 
  • Emergent dataset understanding: An unexpected benefit of this approach emerged during our testing. When asking questions like “what can you tell me about this dataset?” or “what types of questions can I ask?”, the system is able to respond and suggest productive search topics because it has a more robust understanding of the dataset context by accessing higher levels in the pyramid like the abstracts and recollections. 

Beyond the pyramid: Evaluation challenges & future directions


While the results we’ve observed when using the pyramid search approach have been nothing short of amazing, finding ways to establish meaningful metrics to evaluate the entire system both at ingestion time and during information retrieval is challenging. Traditional RAG and Agent evaluation frameworks often fail to address nuanced questions and analytical responses where many different responses are valid.

Our team plans to write a research paper on this approach in the future, and we are open to any thoughts and feedback from the community, especially when it comes to evaluation metrics. Many of the existing datasets we found were focused on evaluating RAG use cases within one document or precise information retrieval across multiple documents rather than robust concept and theme analysis across documents and domains. 

The main use cases we are interested in relate to broader questions that are representative of how businesses actually want to interact with GenAI systems. For example, “tell me everything I need to know about customer X” or “how do the behaviors of Customer A and B differ? Which am I more likely to have a successful meeting with?”. These types of questions require a deep understanding of information across many sources. The answers to these questions typically require a person to synthesize data from multiple areas of the business and think critically about it. As a result, the answers to these questions are rarely written or saved anywhere which makes it impossible to simply store and retrieve them through a vector index in a typical RAG process. 

Another consideration is that many real-world use cases involve dynamic datasets where documents are consistently being added, edited, and deleted. This makes it difficult to evaluate and track what a “correct” response is since the answer will evolve as the available information changes. 

Future directions

In the future, we believe that the pyramid approach can address some of these challenges by enabling more effective processing of dense documents and storing learned information as recollections. However, tracking and evaluating the validity of the recollections over time will be critical to the system’s overall success and remains a key focus area for our ongoing work. 

When applying this approach to organizational data, the pyramid process could also be used to identify and assess discrepancies across areas of the business. For example, uploading all of a company’s sales pitch decks could surface where certain products or services are being positioned inconsistently. It could also be used to compare insights extracted from various line of business data to help understand if and where teams have developed conflicting understandings of topics or different priorities. This application goes beyond pure information retrieval use cases and would allow the pyramid to serve as an organizational alignment tool that helps identify divergences in messaging, terminology, and overall communication. 

Conclusion: Key takeaways and why the pyramid approach matters

The knowledge distillation pyramid approach is significant because it leverages the full power of the LLM at both ingestion and retrieval time. Our approach allows you to store dense information in fewer tokens which has the added benefit of reducing noise in the dataset at inference. Our approach also runs very quickly and is incredibly token efficient, we are able to generate responses within seconds, explore potentially hundreds of searches, and on average use <40K tokens for the entire search, retrieval, and response generation process (this includes all the search iterations!). 

We find that the LLM is much better at writing atomic insights as sentences and that these insights effectively distill information from both text-based and tabular data. This distilled information written in natural language is very easy for the LLM to understand and navigate at inference since it does not have to expend unnecessary energy reasoning about and breaking down document formatting or filtering through noise

The ability to retrieve and aggregate information at any level of the pyramid also provides significant flexibility to address a variety of query types. This approach offers promising performance for large datasets and enables high-value use cases that require nuanced information retrieval and analysis. 

Note: The opinions expressed in this article are solely my own and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of my employer.

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The post Overcome Failing Document Ingestion & RAG Strategies with Agentic Knowledge Distillation appeared first on Towards Data Science.

Generative AI Is Declarative Wed, 05 Mar 2025 16:36:00 +0000 And how to order a cheeseburger with an LLM

The post Generative AI Is Declarative appeared first on Towards Data Science.

ChatGPT launched in 2022 and kicked off the Generative Ai boom. In the two years since, academics, technologists, and armchair experts have written libraries worth of articles on the technical underpinnings of generative AI and about the potential capabilities of both current and future generative AI models.

Surprisingly little has been written about how we interact with these tools—the human-AI interface. The point where we interact with AI models is at least as important as the algorithms and data that create them. “There is no success where there is no possibility of failure, no art without the resistance of the medium” (Raymond Chandler). In that vein, it’s useful to examine human-AI interaction and the strengths and weaknesses inherent in that interaction. If we understand the “resistance in the medium” then product managers can make smarter decisions about how to incorporate generative AI into their products. Executives can make smarter decisions about what capabilities to invest in. Engineers and designers can build around the tools’ limitations and showcase their strengths. Everyday people can know when to use generative AI and when not to.

How to order a cheeseburger with AI

Imagine walking into a restaurant and ordering a cheeseburger. You don’t tell the chef how to grind the beef, how hot to set the grill, or how long to toast the bun. Instead, you simply describe what you want: “I’d like a cheeseburger, medium rare, with lettuce and tomato.” The chef interprets your request, handles the implementation, and delivers the desired outcome. This is the essence of declarative interaction—focusing on the what rather than the how.

Now, imagine interacting with a Large Language Model (LLM) like ChatGPT. You don’t have to provide step-by-step instructions for how to generate a response. Instead, you describe the result you’re looking for: “A user story that lets us implement A/B testing for the Buy button on our website.” The LLM interprets your prompt, fills in the missing details, and delivers a response. Just like ordering a cheeseburger, this is a declarative mode of interaction.

Explaining the steps to make a cheeseburger is an imperative interaction. Our LLM prompts sometimes feel imperative. We might phrase our prompts like a question: ”What is the tallest mountain on earth?” This is equivalent to describing “the answer to the question ‘What is the tallest mountain on earth?’” We might phrase our prompt as a series of instructions: ”Write a summary of the attached report, then read it as if you are a product manager, then type up some feedback on the report.” But, again, we’re describing the result of a process with some context for what that process is. In this case, it is a sequence of descriptive results—the report then the feedback.

This is a more useful way to think about LLMs and generative AI. In some ways it is more accurate; the neural network model behind the curtain doesn’t explain why or how it produced one output instead of another. More importantly though, the limitations and strengths of generative AI make more sense and become more predictable when we think of these models as declarative.

LLMs as a declarative mode of interaction

Computer scientists use the term “declarative” to describe coding languages. SQL is one of the most common. The code describes the output table and the procedures in the database figure out how to retrieve and combine the data to produce the result. LLMs share many of the benefits of declarative languages like SQL or declarative interactions like ordering a cheeseburger.

  1. Focus on desired outcome: Just as you describe the cheeseburger you want, you describe the output you want from the LLM. For example, “Summarize this article in three bullet points” focuses on the result, not the process.
  2. Abstraction of implementation: When you order a cheeseburger, you don’t need to know how the chef prepares it. When submitting SQL code to a server, the server figures out where the data lives, how to fetch it, and how to aggregate it based on your description. You as the user don’t need to know how. With LLMs, you don’t need to know how the model generates the response. The underlying mechanisms are abstracted away.
  3. Filling in missing details: If you don’t specify onions on your cheeseburger, the chef won’t include them. If you don’t specify a field in your SQL code, it won’t show up in the output table. This is where LLMs differ slightly from declarative coding languages like SQL. If you ask ChatGPT to create an image of “a cheeseburger with lettuce and tomato” it may also show the burger on a sesame seed bun or include pickles, even if that wasn’t in your description. The details you omit are inferred by the LLM using the “average” or “most likely” detail depending on the context, with a bit of randomness thrown in. Ask for the cheeseburger image six times; it may show you three burgers with cheddar cheese, two with Swiss, and one with pepper jack.

Like other forms of declarative interaction, LLMs share one key limitation. If your description is vague, ambiguous, or lacks enough detail, then the result may not be what you hoped to see. It is up to the user to describe the result with sufficient detail.

This explains why we often iterate to get what we’re looking for when using LLMs and generative AI. Going back to our cheeseburger analogy, the process to generate a cheeseburger from an LLM may look like this.

  • “Make me a cheeseburger, medium rare, with lettuce and tomatoes.” The result also has pickles and uses cheddar cheese. The bun is toasted. There’s mayo on the top bun.
  • “Make the same thing but this time no pickles, use pepper jack cheese, and a sriracha mayo instead of plain mayo.” The result now has pepper jack, no pickles. The sriracha mayo is applied to the bottom bun and the bun is no longer toasted.
  • “Make the same thing again, but this time, put the sriracha mayo on the top bun. The buns should be toasted.” Finally, you have the cheeseburger you’re looking for.

This example demonstrates one of the main points of friction with human-AI interaction. Human beings are really bad at describing what they want with sufficient detail on the first attempt.

When we asked for a cheeseburger, we had to refine our description to be more specific (the type of cheese). In the second generation, some of the inferred details (whether the bun was toasted) changed from one iteration to the next, so then we had to add that specificity to our description as well. Iteration is an important part of AI-human generation.

Insight: When using generative AI, we need to design an iterative human-AI interaction loop that enables people to discover the details of what they want and refine their descriptions accordingly.

To iterate, we need to evaluate the results. Evaluation is extremely important with generative AI. Say you’re using an LLM to write code. You can evaluate the code quality if you know enough to understand it or if you can execute it and inspect the results. On the other hand, hypothetical questions can’t be tested. Say you ask ChatGPT, “What if we raise our product prices by 5 percent?” A seasoned expert could read the output and know from experience if a recommendation doesn’t take into account important details. If your product is property insurance, then increasing premiums by 5 percent may mean pushback from regulators, something an experienced veteran of the industry would know. For non-experts in a topic, there’s no way to tell if the “average” details inferred by the model make sense for your specific use case. You can’t test and iterate.

Insight: LLMs work best when the user can evaluate the result quickly, whether through execution or through prior knowledge.

The examples so far involve general knowledge. We all know what a cheeseburger is. When you start asking about non-general information—like when you can make dinner reservations next week—you delve into new points of friction.

In the next section we’ll think about different types of information, what we can expect the AI to “know”, and how this impacts human-AI interaction.

What did the AI know, and when did it know it?

Above, I explained how generative AI is a declarative mode of interaction and how that helps understand its strengths and weaknesses. Here, I’ll identify how different types of information create better or worse human-AI interactions.

Understanding the information available

When we describe what we want to an LLM, and when it infers missing details from our description, it draws from different sources of information. Understanding these sources of information is important. Here’s a useful taxonomy for information types:

  • General information used to train the base model.
  • Non-general information that the base model is not aware of.
    • Fresh information that is new or changes rapidly, like stock prices or current events.
    • Non-public information, like facts about you and where you live or about your company, its employees, its processes, or its codebase.

General information vs. non-general information

LLMs are built on a massive corpus of written word data. A large part of GPT-3 was trained on a combination of books, journals, Wikipedia, Reddit, and CommonCrawl (an open-source repository of web crawl data). You can think of the models as a highly compressed version of that data, organized in a gestalt manner—all the like things are close together. When we submit a prompt, the model takes the words we use (and any words added to the prompt behind the scenes) and finds the closest set of related words based on how those things appear in the data corpus. So when we say “cheeseburger” it knows that word is related to “bun” and “tomato” and “lettuce” and “pickles” because they all occur in the same context throughout many data sources. Even when we don’t specify pickles, it uses this gestalt approach to fill in the blanks.

This training information is general information, and a good rule of thumb is this: if it was in Wikipedia a year ago then the LLM “knows” about it. There could be new articles on Wikipedia, but that didn’t exist when the model was trained. The LLM doesn’t know about that unless told.

Now, say you’re a company using an LLM to write a product requirements document for a new web app feature. Your company, like most companies, is full of its own lingo. It has its own lore and history scattered across thousands of Slack messages, emails, documents, and some tenured employees who remember that one meeting in Q1 last year. The LLM doesn’t know any of that. It will infer any missing details from general information. You need to supply everything else. If it wasn’t in Wikipedia a year ago, the LLM doesn’t know about it. The resulting product requirements document may be full of general facts about your industry and product but could lack important details specific to your firm.

This is non-general information. This includes personal info, anything kept behind a log-in or paywall, and non-digital information. This non-general information permeates our lives, and incorporating it is another source of friction when working with generative AI.

Non-general information can be incorporated into a generative AI application in three ways:

  • Through model fine-tuning (supplying a large corpus to the base model to expand its reference data).
  • Retrieved and fed it to the model at query time (e.g., the retrieval augmented generation or “RAG” technique).
  • Supplied by the user in the prompt.

Insight: When designing any human-AI interactions, you should think about what non-general information is required, where you will get it, and how you will expose it to the AI.

Fresh information

Any information that changes in real-time or is new can be called fresh information. This includes new facts like current events but also frequently changing facts like your bank account balance. If the fresh information is available in a database or some searchable source, then it needs to be retrieved and incorporated into the application. To retrieve the information from a database, the LLM must create a query, which may require specific details that the user didn’t include.

Here’s an example. I have a chatbot that gives information on the stock market. You, the user, type the following: “What is the current price of Apple? Has it been increasing or decreasing recently?”

  • The LLM doesn’t have the current price of Apple in its training data. This is fresh, non-general information. So, we need to retrieve it from a database.
  • The LLM can read “Apple”, know that you’re talking about the computer company, and that the ticker symbol is AAPL. This is all general information.
  • What about the “increasing or decreasing” part of the prompt? You did not specify over what period—increasing in the past day, month, year? In order to construct a database query, we need more detail. LLMs are bad at knowing when to ask for detail and when to fill it in. The application could easily pull the wrong data and provide an unexpected or inaccurate answer. Only you know what these details should be, depending on your intent. You must be more specific in your prompt.

A designer of this LLM application can improve the user experience by specifying required parameters for expected queries. We can ask the user to explicitly input the time range or design the chatbot to ask for more specific details if not provided. In either case, we need to have a specific type of query in mind and explicitly design how to handle it. The LLM will not know how to do this unassisted.

Insight: If a user is expecting a more specific type of output, you need to explicitly ask for enough detail. Too little detail could produce a poor quality output.

Non-public information

Incorporating non-public information into an LLM prompt can be done if that information can be accessed in a database. This introduces privacy issues (should the LLM be able to access my medical records?) and complexity when incorporating multiple non-public sources of information.

Let’s say I have a chatbot that helps you make dinner reservations. You, the user, type the following: “Help me make dinner reservations somewhere with good Neapolitan pizza.”

  • The LLM knows what a Neapolitan pizza is and can infer that “dinner” means this is for an evening meal.
  • To do this task well, it needs information about your location, the restaurants near you and their booking status, or even personal details like dietary restrictions. Assuming all that non-public information is available in databases, bringing them all together into the prompt takes a lot of engineering work.
  • Even if the LLM could find the “best” restaurant for you and book the reservation, can you be confident it has done that correctly? You never specified how many people you need a reservation for. Since only you know this information, the application needs to ask for it upfront.

If you’re designing this LLM-based application, you can make some thoughtful choices to help with these problems. We could ask about a user’s dietary restrictions when they sign up for the app. Other information, like the user’s schedule that evening, can be given in a prompting tip or by showing the default prompt option “show me reservations for two for tomorrow at 7PM”. Promoting tips may not feel as automagical as a bot that does it all, but they are a straightforward way to collect and integrate the non-public information.

Some non-public information is large and can’t be quickly collected and processed when the prompt is given. These need to be fine-tuned in batch or retrieved at prompt time and incorporated. A chatbot that answers information about a company’s HR policies can obtain this information from a corpus of non-public HR documents. You can fine-tune the model ahead of time by feeding it the corpus. Or you can implement a retrieval augmented generation technique, searching a corpus for relevant documents and summarizing the results. Either way, the response will only be as accurate and up-to-date as the corpus itself.

Insight: When designing an AI application, you need to be aware of non-public information and how to retrieve it. Some of that information can be pulled from databases. Some needs to come from the user, which may require prompt suggestions or explicitly asking.

If you understand the types of information and treat human-AI interaction as declarative, you can more easily predict which AI applications will work and which ones won’t. In the next section we’ll look at OpenAI’s Operator and deep research products. Using this framework, we can see where these applications fall short, where they work well, and why.

Critiquing OpenAI’s Operator and deep research through a declarative lens

I have now explained how thinking of generative AI as declarative helps us understand its strengths and weaknesses. I also identified how different types of information create better or worse human-AI interactions.

Now I’ll apply these ideas by critiquing two recent products from OpenAI—Operator and deep research. It’s important to be honest about the shortcomings of AI applications. Bigger models trained on more data or using new techniques might one day solve some issues with generative AI. But other issues arise from the human-AI interaction itself and can only be addressed by making appropriate design and product choices.

These critiques demonstrate how the framework can help identify where the limitations are and how to address them.

The limitations of Operator

Journalist Casey Newton of Platformer reviewed Operator in an article that was largely positive. Newton has covered AI extensively and optimistically. Still, Newton couldn’t help but point out some of Operator’s frustrating limitations.

[Operator] can take action on your behalf in ways that are new to AI systems — but at the moment it requires a lot of hand-holding, and may cause you to throw up your hands in frustration. 

My most frustrating experience with Operator was my first one: trying to order groceries. “Help me buy groceries on Instacart,” I said, expecting it to ask me some basic questions. Where do I live? What store do I usually buy groceries from? What kinds of groceries do I want? 

It didn’t ask me any of that. Instead, Operator opened Instacart in the browser tab and begin searching for milk in grocery stores located in Des Moines, Iowa.

The prompt “Help me buy groceries on Instacart,” viewed declaratively, describes groceries being purchased using Instacart. It doesn’t have a lot of the information someone would need to buy groceries, like what exactly to buy, when it would be delivered, and to where.

It’s worth repeating: LLMs are not good at knowing when to ask additional questions unless explicitly programmed to do so in the use case. Newton gave a vague request and expected follow-up questions. Instead, the LLM filled in all the missing details with the “average”. The average item was milk. The average location was Des Moines, Iowa. Newton doesn’t mention when it was scheduled to be delivered, but if the “average” delivery time is tomorrow, then that was likely the default.

If we engineered this application specifically for ordering groceries, keeping in mind the declarative nature of AI and the information it “knows”, then we could make thoughtful design choices that improve functionality. We would need to prompt the user to specify when and where they want groceries up front (non-public information). With that information, we could find an appropriate grocery store near them. We would need access to that grocery store’s inventory (more non-public information). If we have access to the user’s previous orders, we could also pre-populate a cart with items typical to their order. If not, we may add a few suggested items and guide them to add more. By limiting the use case, we only have to deal with two sources of non-public information. This is a more tractable problem than Operator’s “agent that does it all” approach.

Newton also mentions that this process took eight minutes to complete, and “complete” means that Operator did everything up to placing the order. This is a long time with very little human-in-the-loop iteration. Like we said before, an iteration loop is very important for human-AI interaction. A better-designed application would generate smaller steps along the way and provide more frequent interaction. We could prompt the user to describe what to add to their shopping list. The user might say, “Add barbeque sauce to the list,” and see the list update. If they see a vinegar-based barbecue sauce, they can refine that by saying, “Replace that with a barbeque sauce that goes well with chicken,” and might be happier when it’s replaced by a honey barbecue sauce. These frequent iterations make the LLM a creative tool rather than a does-it-all agent. The does-it-all agent looks automagical in marketing, but a more guided approach provides more utility with a less frustrating and more delightful experience.

Elsewhere in the article, Newton gives an example of a prompt that Operator performed well: “Put together a lesson plan on the Great Gatsby for high school students, breaking it into readable chunks and then creating assignments and connections tied to the Common Core learning standard.” This prompt describes an output using much more specificity. It also solely relies on general information—the Great Gatsby, the Common Core standard, and a general sense of what assignments are. The general-information use case lends itself better to AI generation, and the prompt is explicit and detailed in its request. In this case, very little guidance was given to create the prompt, so it worked better. (In fact, this prompt comes from Ethan Mollick who has used it to evaluate AI chatbots.)

This is the risk of general-purpose AI applications like Operator. The quality of the result relies heavily on the use case and specificity provided by the user. An application with a more specific use case allows for more design guidance and can produce better output more reliably.

The limitations of deep research

Newton also reviewed deep research, which, according to OpenAI’s website, is an “agent that uses reasoning to synthesize large amounts of online information and complete multi-step research tasks for you.”

Deep research came out after Newton’s review of Operator. Newton chose an intentionally tricky prompt that prods at some of the tool’s limitations regarding fresh information and non-general information: “I wanted to see how OpenAI’s agent would perform given that it was researching a story that was less than a day old, and for which much of the coverage was behind paywalls that the agent would not be able to access. And indeed, the bot struggled more than I expected.”

Near the end of the article, Newton elaborates on some of the shortcomings he noticed with deep research.

OpenAI’s deep research suffers from the same design problem that almost all AI products have: its superpowers are completely invisible and must be harnessed through a frustrating process of trial and error.

Generally speaking, the more you already know about something, the more useful I think deep research is. This may be somewhat counterintuitive; perhaps you expected that an AI agent would be well suited to getting you up to speed on an important topic that just landed on your lap at work, for example. 

In my early tests, the reverse felt true. Deep research excels for drilling deep into subjects you already have some expertise in, letting you probe for specific pieces of information, types of analysis, or ideas that are new to you.

The “frustrating trial and error” shows a mismatch between Newton’s expectations and a necessary aspect of many generative AI applications. A good response requires more information than the user will probably give in the first attempt. The challenge is to design the application and set the user’s expectations so that this interaction is not frustrating but exciting.

Newton’s more poignant criticism is that the application requires already knowing something about the topic for it to work well. From the perspective of our framework, this makes sense. The more you know about a topic, the more detail you can provide. And as you iterate, having knowledge about a topic helps you observe and evaluate the output. Without the ability to describe it well or evaluate the results, the user is less likely to use the tool to generate good output.

A version of deep research designed for lawyers to perform legal research could be powerful. Lawyers have an extensive and common vocabulary for describing legal matters, and they’re more likely to see a result and know if it makes sense. Generative AI tools are fallible, though. So, the tool should focus on a generation-evaluation loop rather than writing a final draft of a legal document.

The article also highlights many improvements compared to Operator. Most notably, the bot asked clarifying questions. This is the most impressive aspect of the tool. Undoubtedly, it helps that deep search has a focused use-case of retrieving and summarizing general information instead of a does-it-all approach. Having a focused use case narrows the set of likely interactions, letting you design better guidance into the prompt flow.

Good application design with generative AI

Designing effective generative AI applications requires thoughtful consideration of how users interact with the technology, the types of information they need, and the limitations of the underlying models. Here are some key principles to guide the design of generative AI tools:

1. Constrain the input and focus on providing details

Applications are inputs and outputs. We want the outputs to be useful and pleasant. By giving a user a conversational chatbot interface, we allow for a vast surface area of potential inputs, making it a challenge to guarantee useful outputs. One strategy is to limit or guide the input to a more manageable subset.

For example, FigJam, a collaborative whiteboarding tool, uses pre-set template prompts for timelines, Gantt charts, and other common whiteboard artifacts. This provides some structure and predictability to the inputs. Users still have the freedom to describe further details like color or the content for each timeline event. This approach ensures that the AI has enough specificity to generate meaningful outputs while giving users creative control.

2. Design frequent iteration and evaluation into the tool

Iterating in a tight generation-evaluation loop is essential for refining outputs and ensuring they meet user expectations. OpenAI’s Dall-E is great at this. Users quickly iterate on image prompts and refine their descriptions to add additional detail. If you type “a picture of a cheeseburger on a plate”, you may then add more detail by specifying “with pepperjack cheese”.

AI code generating tools work well because users can run a generated code snippet immediately to see if it works, enabling rapid iteration and validation. This quick evaluation loop produces better results and a better coder experience. 

Designers of generative AI applications should pull the user in the loop early, often, in a way that is engaging rather than frustrating. Designers should also consider the user’s knowledge level. Users with domain expertise can iterate more effectively.

Referring back to the FigJam example, the prompts and icons in the app quickly communicate “this is what we call a mind map” or “this is what we call a gantt chart” for users who want to generate these artifacts but don’t know the terms for them. Giving the user some basic vocabulary can help them better generate desired results quickly with less frustration.

3. Be mindful of the types of information needed

LLMs excel at tasks involving general knowledge already in the base training set. For example, writing class assignments involves absorbing general information, synthesizing it, and producing a written output, so LLMs are very well-suited for that task.

Use cases that require non-general information are more complex. Some questions the designer and engineer should ask include:

  • Does this application require fresh information? Maybe this is knowledge of current events or a user’s current bank account balance. If so, that information needs to be retrieved and incorporated into the model.
  • How much non-general information does the LLM need to know? If it’s a lot of information—like a corpus of company documentation and communication—then the model may need to be fine tuned in batch ahead of time. If the information is relatively small, a retrieval augmented generation (RAG) approach at query time may suffice. 
  • How many sources of non-general information—small and finite or potentially infinite? General purpose agents like Operator face the challenge of potentially infinite non-general information sources. Depending on what the user requires, it could need to access their contacts, restaurant reservation lists, financial data, or even other people’s calendars. A single-purpose restaurant reservation chatbot may only need access to Yelp, OpenTable, and the user’s calendar. It’s much easier to reconcile access and authentication for a handful of known data sources.
  • Is there context-specific information that can only come from the user? Consider our restaurant reservation chatbot. Is the user making reservations for just themselves? Probably not. “How many people and who” is a detail that only the user can provide, an example of non-public information that only the user knows. We shouldn’t expect the user to provide this information upfront and unguided. Instead, we can use prompt suggestions so they include the information. We may even be able to design the LLM to ask these questions when the detail is not provided.

4. Focus on specific use cases

Broad, all-purpose chatbots often struggle to deliver consistent results due to the complexity and variability of user needs. Instead, focus on specific use cases where the AI’s shortcomings can be mitigated through thoughtful design.

Narrowing the scope helps us address many of the issues above.

  • We can identify common requests for the use case and incorporate those into prompt suggestions.
  • We can design an iteration loop that works well with the type of thing we’re generating.
  • We can identify sources of non-general information and devise solutions to incorporate it into the model or prompt.

5. Translation or summary tasks work well

A common task for ChatGPT is to rewrite something in a different style, explain what some computer code is doing, or summarize a long document. These tasks involve converting a set of information from one form to another.

We have the same concerns about non-general information and context. For instance, a Chatbot asked to explain a code script doesn’t know the system that script is part of unless that information is provided.

But in general, the task of transforming or summarizing information is less prone to missing details. By definition, you have provided the details it needs. The result should have the same information in a different or more condensed form.

The exception to the rules

There is a case when it doesn’t matter if you break any or all of these rules—when you’re just having fun. LLMs are creative tools by nature. They can be an easel to paint on, a sandbox to build in, a blank sheet to scribe. Iteration is still important; the user wants to see the thing they’re creating as they create it. But unexpected results due to lack of information or omitted details may add to the experience. If you ask for a cheeseburger recipe, you might get some funny or interesting ingredients. If the stakes are low and the process is its own reward, don’t worry about the rules.

The post Generative AI Is Declarative appeared first on Towards Data Science.

Deep Research by OpenAI: A Practical Test of AI-Powered Literature Review Tue, 04 Mar 2025 20:06:21 +0000 How Deep Research handled a state-of-the-art review and possible challenges for research

The post Deep Research by OpenAI: A Practical Test of AI-Powered Literature Review appeared first on Towards Data Science.

“Conduct a comprehensive literature review on the state-of-the-art in Machine Learning and energy consumption. […]”

With this prompt, I tested the new Deep Research function, which has been integrated into the OpenAI o3 reasoning model since the end of February — and conducted a state-of-the-art literature review within 6 minutes.

This function goes beyond a normal web search (for example, with ChatGPT 4o): The research query is broken down & structured, the Internet is searched for information, which is then evaluated, and finally, a structured, comprehensive report is created.

Let’s take a closer look at this.

Table of Content
1. What is Deep Research from OpenAI and what can you do with it?
2. How does deep research work?
3. How can you use deep research? — Practical example
4. Challenges and risks of the Deep Research feature
Final Thoughts
Where can you continue learning?

1. What is Deep Research from OpenAI and what can you do with it?

If you have an OpenAI Plus account (the $20 per month plan), you have access to Deep Research. This gives you access to 10 queries per month. With the Pro subscription ($200 per month) you have extended access to Deep Research and access to the research preview of GPT-4.5 with 120 queries per month.

OpenAI promises that we can perform multi-step research using data from the public web.

Duration: 5 to 30 minutes, depending on complexity. 

Previously, such research usually took hours.

It is intended for complex tasks that require a deep search and thoroughness.

What do concrete use cases look like?

  • Conduct a literature review: Conduct a literature review on state-of-the-art machine learning and energy consumption.
  • Market analysis: Create a comparative report on the best marketing automation platforms for companies in 2025 based on current market trends and evaluations.
  • Technology & software development: Investigate programming languages and frameworks for AI application development with performance and use case analysis
  • Investment & financial analysis: Conduct research on the impact of AI-powered trading on the financial market based on recent reports and academic studies.
  • Legal research: Conduct an overview of data protection laws in Europe compared to the US, including relevant rulings and recent changes.

2. How does Deep Research work?

Deep Research uses various Deep Learning methods to carry out a systematic and detailed analysis of information. The entire process can be divided into four main phases:

1. Decomposition and structuring of the research question

In the first step the tool processes the research question using natural language processing (NLP) methods. It identifies the most important key terms, concepts, and sub-questions. 

This step ensures that the AI understands the question not only literally, but also in terms of content.

2. Obtaining relevant information

Once the tool has structured the research question, it searches specifically for information. Deep Research uses a mixture of internal databases, scientific publications, APIs, and web scraping. These can be open-access databases such as arXiv, PubMed, or Semantic Scholar, for example, but also public websites or news sites such as The Guardian, New York Times, or BBC. In the end, any content that can be accessed online and is publicly available.

3. Analysis & interpretation of the data

The next step is for the AI model to summarize large amounts of text into compact and understandable answers. Transformers & Attention mechanisms ensure that the most important information is prioritized. This means that it does not simply create a summary of all the content found. Also, the quality and credibility of the sources is assessed. And cross-validation methods are normally used to identify incorrect or contradictory information. Here, the AI tool compares several sources with each other. However, it is not publicly known exactly how this is done in Deep Research or what criteria there are for this.

4. Generation of the final report

Finally, the final report is generated and displayed to us. This is done using Natural Language Generation (NLG) so that we see easily readable texts.

The AI system generates diagrams or tables if requested in the prompt and adapts the response to the user’s style. The primary sources used are also listed at the end of the report.

3. How you can use Deep Research: A practical example

In the first step, it is best to use one of the standard models to ask how you should optimize the prompt in order to conduct deep research. I have done this with the following prompt with ChatGPT 4o:

“Optimize this prompt to conduct a deep research:
Carrying out a literature search: Carry out a literature search on the state of the art on machine learning and energy consumption.”

The 4o model suggested the following prompt for the Deep Research function:

Deep Research screenshot (German and English)
Screenshot taken by the author

The tool then asked me if I could clarify the scope and focus of the literature review. I have, therefore, provided some additional specifications:

Deep research screenshot
Screenshot taken by the author

ChatGPT then returned the clarification and started the research.

In the meantime, I could see the progress and how more sources were gradually added.

After 6 minutes, the state-of-the-art literature review was complete, and the report, including all sources, was available to me.

Deep Research Example.mp4

4. Challenges and risks of the Deep Research feature

Let’s take a look at two definitions of research:

“A detailed study of a subject, especially in order to discover new information or reach a new understanding.”

Reference: Cambridge Dictionary

“Research is creative and systematic work undertaken to increase the stock of knowledge. It involves the collection, organization, and analysis of evidence to increase understanding of a topic, characterized by a particular attentiveness to controlling sources of bias and error.”

Reference: Wikipedia Research

The two definitions show that research is a detailed, systematic investigation of a topic — with the aim of discovering new information or achieving a deeper understanding.

Basically, the deep research function fulfills these definitions to a certain extent: it collects existing information, analyzes it, and presents it in a structured way.

However, I think we also need to be aware of some challenges and risks:

  • Danger of superficiality: Deep Research is primarily designed to efficiently search, summarize, and provide existing information in a structured form (at least at the current stage). Absolutely great for overview research. But what about digging deeper? Real scientific research goes beyond mere reproduction and takes a critical look at the sources. Science also thrives on generating new knowledge.
  • Reinforcement of existing biases in research & publication: Papers are already more likely to be published if they have significant results. “Non-significant” or contradictory results, on the other hand, are less likely to be published. This is known to us as publication bias. If the AI tool now primarily evaluates frequently cited papers, it reinforces this trend. Rare or less widespread but possibly important findings are lost. A possible solution here would be to implement a mechanism for weighted source evaluation that also takes into account less cited but relevant papers. If the AI methods primarily cite sources that are quoted frequently, less widespread but important findings may be lost. Presumably, this effect also applies to us humans.
  • Quality of research papers: While it is obvious that a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral thesis cannot be based solely on AI-generated research, the question I have is how universities or scientific institutions deal with this development. Students can get a solid research report with just a single prompt. Presumably, the solution here must be to adapt assessment criteria to give greater weight to in-depth reflection and methodology.

Final thoughts

In addition to OpenAI, other companies and platforms have also integrated similar functions (even before OpenAI): For example, Perplexity AI has introduced a deep research function that independently conducts and analyzes searches. Also Gemini by Google has integrated such a deep research function.

The function gives you an incredibly quick overview of an initial research question. It remains to be seen how reliable the results are. Currently (beginning March 2025), OpenAI itself writes as limitations that the feature is still at an early stage, can sometimes hallucinate facts into answers or draw false conclusions, and has trouble distinguishing authoritative information from rumors. In addition, it is currently unable to accurately convey uncertainties.

But it can be assumed that this function will be expanded further and become a powerful tool for research. If you have simpler questions, it is better to use the standard GPT-4o model (with or without search), where you get an immediate answer.

Where can you continue learning?

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The post Deep Research by OpenAI: A Practical Test of AI-Powered Literature Review appeared first on Towards Data Science.

Practical SQL Puzzles That Will Level Up Your Skill Tue, 04 Mar 2025 19:46:10 +0000 Three real-world SQL patterns that can be applied to many problems

The post Practical SQL Puzzles That Will Level Up Your Skill appeared first on Towards Data Science.

There are some Sql patterns that, once you know them, you start seeing them everywhere. The solutions to the puzzles that I will show you today are actually very simple SQL queries, but understanding the concept behind them will surely unlock new solutions to the queries you write on a day-to-day basis.

These challenges are all based on real-world scenarios, as over the past few months I made a point of writing down every puzzle-like query that I had to build. I also encourage you to try them for yourself, so that you can challenge yourself first, which will improve your learning!

All queries to generate the datasets will be provided in a PostgreSQL and DuckDB-friendly syntax, so that you can easily copy and play with them. At the end I will also provide you a link to a GitHub repo containing all the code, as well as the answer to the bonus challenge I will leave for you!

I organized these puzzles in order of increasing difficulty, so, if you find the first ones too easy, at least take a look at the last one, which uses a technique that I truly believe you won’t have seen before.

Okay, let’s get started.

Analyzing ticket moves

I love this puzzle because of how short and simple the final query is, even though it deals with many edge cases. The data for this challenge shows tickets moving in between Kanban stages, and the objective is to find how long, on average, tickets stay in the Doing stage.

The data contains the ID of the ticket, the date the ticket was created, the date of the move, and the “from” and “to” stages of the move. The stages present are New, Doing, Review, and Done.

Some things you need to know (edge cases):

  • Tickets can move backwards, meaning tickets can go back to the Doing stage.
  • You should not include tickets that are still stuck in the Doing stage, as there is no way to know how long they will stay there for.
  • Tickets are not always created in the New stage.
CREATE TABLE ticket_moves (
    ticket_id INT NOT NULL,
    create_date DATE NOT NULL,
    move_date DATE NOT NULL,
    from_stage TEXT NOT NULL,
    to_stage TEXT NOT NULL
INSERT INTO ticket_moves (ticket_id, create_date, move_date, from_stage, to_stage)
        -- Ticket 1: Created in "New", then moves to Doing, Review, Done.
        (1, '2024-09-01', '2024-09-03', 'New', 'Doing'),
        (1, '2024-09-01', '2024-09-07', 'Doing', 'Review'),
        (1, '2024-09-01', '2024-09-10', 'Review', 'Done'),
        -- Ticket 2: Created in "New", then moves: New → Doing → Review → Doing again → Review.
        (2, '2024-09-05', '2024-09-08', 'New', 'Doing'),
        (2, '2024-09-05', '2024-09-12', 'Doing', 'Review'),
        (2, '2024-09-05', '2024-09-15', 'Review', 'Doing'),
        (2, '2024-09-05', '2024-09-20', 'Doing', 'Review'),
        -- Ticket 3: Created in "New", then moves to Doing. (Edge case: no subsequent move from Doing.)
        (3, '2024-09-10', '2024-09-16', 'New', 'Doing'),
        -- Ticket 4: Created already in "Doing", then moves to Review.
        (4, '2024-09-15', '2024-09-22', 'Doing', 'Review');

A summary of the data:

  • Ticket 1: Created in the New stage, moves normally to Doing, then Review, and then Done.
  • Ticket 2: Created in New, then moves: New → Doing → Review → Doing again → Review.
  • Ticket 3: Created in New, moves to Doing, but it is still stuck there.
  • Ticket 4: Created in the Doing stage, moves to Review afterward.

It might be a good idea to stop for a bit and think how you would deal with this. Can you find out how long a ticket stays on a single stage?

Honestly, this sounds intimidating at first, and it looks like it will be a nightmare to deal with all the edge cases. Let me show you the full solution to the problem, and then I will explain what is happening afterward.

WITH stage_intervals AS (
        - COALESCE(
            LAG(move_date) OVER (
                PARTITION BY ticket_id 
                ORDER BY move_date
        ) AS days_in_stage
    SUM(days_in_stage) / COUNT(DISTINCT ticket_id) as avg_days_in_doing
    from_stage = 'Doing';

The first CTE uses the LAG function to find the previous move of the ticket, which will be the time the ticket entered that stage. Calculating the duration is as simple as subtracting the previous date from the move date.

What you should notice is the use of the COALESCE in the previous move date. What that does is that if a ticket doesn’t have a previous move, then it uses the date of creation of the ticket. This takes care of the cases of tickets being created directly into the Doing stage, as it still will properly calculate the time it took to leave the stage.

This is the result of the first CTE, showing the time spent in each stage. Notice how the Ticket 2 has two entries, as it visited the Doing stage in two separate occasions.

With this done, it’s just a matter of getting the average as the SUM of total days spent in doing, divided by the distinct number of tickets that ever left the stage. Doing it this way, instead of simply using the AVG, makes sure that the two rows for Ticket 2 get properly accounted for as a single ticket.

Not so bad, right?

Finding contract sequences

The goal of this second challenge is to find the most recent contract sequence of every employee. A break of sequence happens when two contracts have a gap of more than one day between them. 

In this dataset, there are no contract overlaps, meaning that a contract for the same employee either has a gap or ends a day before the new one starts.

CREATE TABLE contracts (
    contract_id integer PRIMARY KEY,
    employee_id integer NOT NULL,
    start_date date NOT NULL,
    end_date date NOT NULL

INSERT INTO contracts (contract_id, employee_id, start_date, end_date)
    -- Employee 1: Two continuous contracts
    (1, 1, '2024-01-01', '2024-03-31'),
    (2, 1, '2024-04-01', '2024-06-30'),
    -- Employee 2: One contract, then a gap of three days, then two contracts
    (3, 2, '2024-01-01', '2024-02-15'),
    (4, 2, '2024-02-19', '2024-04-30'),
    (5, 2, '2024-05-01', '2024-07-31'),
    -- Employee 3: One contract
    (6, 3, '2024-03-01', '2024-08-31');

As a summary of the data:

  • Employee 1: Has two continuous contracts.
  • Employee 2: One contract, then a gap of three days, then two contracts.
  • Employee 3: One contract.

The expected result, given the dataset, is that all contracts should be included except for the first contract of Employee 2, which is the only one that has a gap.

Before explaining the logic behind the solution, I would like you to think about what operation can be used to join the contracts that belong to the same sequence. Focus only on the second row of data, what information do you need to know if this contract was a break or not?

I hope it’s clear that this is the perfect situation for window functions, again. They are incredibly useful for solving problems like this, and understanding when to use them helps a lot in finding clean solutions to problems.

First thing to do, then, is to get the end date of the previous contract for the same employee with the LAG function. Doing that, it’s simple to compare both dates and check if it was a break of sequence.

WITH ordered_contracts AS (
        LAG(end_date) OVER (PARTITION BY employee_id ORDER BY start_date) AS previous_end_date
gapped_contracts AS (
        -- Deals with the case of the first contract, which won't have
        -- a previous end date. In this case, it's still the start of a new
        -- sequence.
        CASE WHEN previous_end_date IS NULL
            OR previous_end_date < start_date - INTERVAL '1 day' THEN
        END AS is_new_sequence
SELECT * FROM gapped_contracts ORDER BY employee_id ASC;

An intuitive way to continue the query is to number the sequences of each employee. For example, an employee who has no gap, will always be on his first sequence, but an employee who had 5 breaks in contracts will be on his 5th sequence. Funnily enough, this is done by another window function.

-- Previous CTEs
sequences AS (
        SUM(is_new_sequence) OVER (PARTITION BY employee_id ORDER BY start_date) AS sequence_id
SELECT * FROM sequences ORDER BY employee_id ASC;

Notice how, for Employee 2, he starts his sequence #2 after the first gapped value. To finish this query, I grouped the data by employee, got the value of their most recent sequence, and then did an inner join with the sequences to keep only the most recent one.

-- Previous CTEs
max_sequence AS (
        MAX(sequence_id) AS max_sequence_id
latest_contract_sequence AS (
        sequences c
        JOIN max_sequence m ON c.sequence_id = m.max_sequence_id
            AND c.employee_id = m.employee_id
        ORDER BY

As expected, our final result is basically our starting query just with the first contract of Employee 2 missing! 

Tracking concurrent events

Finally, the last puzzle — I’m glad you made it this far. 

For me, this is the most mind-blowing one, as when I first encountered this problem I thought of a completely different solution that would be a mess to implement in SQL.

For this puzzle, I’ve changed the context from what I had to deal with for my job, as I think it will make it easier to explain. 

Imagine you’re a data analyst at an event venue, and you’re analyzing the talks scheduled for an upcoming event. You want to find the time of day where there will be the highest number of talks happening at the same time.

This is what you should know about the schedules:

  • Rooms are booked in increments of 30min, e.g. from 9h-10h30.
  • The data is clean, there are no overbookings of meeting rooms.
  • There can be back-to-back meetings in a single meeting room.

Meeting schedule visualized (this is the actual data). 

CREATE TABLE meetings (
    room TEXT NOT NULL,
    start_time TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,

INSERT INTO meetings (room, start_time, end_time) VALUES
    -- Room A meetings
    ('Room A', '2024-10-01 09:00', '2024-10-01 10:00'),
    ('Room A', '2024-10-01 10:00', '2024-10-01 11:00'),
    ('Room A', '2024-10-01 11:00', '2024-10-01 12:00'),
    -- Room B meetings
    ('Room B', '2024-10-01 09:30', '2024-10-01 11:30'),
    -- Room C meetings
    ('Room C', '2024-10-01 09:00', '2024-10-01 10:00'),
    ('Room C', '2024-10-01 11:30', '2024-10-01 12:00');

The way to solve this is using what is called a Sweep Line Algorithm, or also known as an event-based solution. This last name actually helps to understand what will be done, as the idea is that instead of dealing with intervals, which is what we have in the original data, we deal with events instead.

To do this, we need to transform every row into two separate events. The first event will be the Start of the meeting, and the second event will be the End of the meeting.

WITH events AS (
  -- Create an event for the start of each meeting (+1)
    start_time AS event_time, 
    1 AS delta
  FROM meetings
  -- Create an event for the end of each meeting (-1)
   -- Small trick to work with the back-to-back meetings (explained later)
    end_time - interval '1 minute' as end_time,
    -1 AS delta
  FROM meetings
SELECT * FROM events;

Take the time to understand what is happening here. To create two events from a single row of data, we’re simply unioning the dataset on itself; the first half uses the start time as the timestamp, and the second part uses the end time.

You might already notice the delta column created and see where this is going. When an event starts, we count it as +1, when it ends, we count it as -1. You might even be already thinking of another window function to solve this, and you’re actually right!

But before that, let me just explain the trick I used in the end dates. As I don’t want back-to-back meetings to count as two concurrent meetings, I’m subtracting a single minute of every end date. This way, if a meeting ends and another starts at 10h30, it won’t be assumed that two meetings are concurrently happening at 10h30.

Okay, back to the query and yet another window function. This time, though, the function of choice is a rolling SUM.

-- Previous CTEs
ordered_events AS (
    SUM(delta) OVER (ORDER BY event_time, delta DESC) AS concurrent_meetings
  FROM events
SELECT * FROM ordered_events ORDER BY event_time DESC;

The rolling SUM at the Delta column is essentially walking down every record and finding how many events are active at that time. For example, at 9 am sharp, it sees two events starting, so it marks the number of concurrent meetings as two!

When the third meeting starts, the count goes up to three. But when it gets to 9h59 (10 am), then two meetings end, bringing the counter back to one. With this data, the only thing missing is to find when the highest value of concurrent meetings happens.

-- Previous CTEs
max_events AS (
  -- Find the maximum concurrent meetings value
    RANK() OVER (ORDER BY concurrent_meetings DESC) AS rnk
  FROM ordered_events
SELECT event_time, concurrent_meetings
FROM max_events
WHERE rnk = 1;

That’s it! The interval of 9h30–10h is the one with the largest number of concurrent meetings, which checks out with the schedule visualization above!

This solution looks incredibly simple in my opinion, and it works for so many situations. Every time you are dealing with intervals now, you should think if the query wouldn’t be easier if you thought about it in the perspective of events.

But before you move on, and to really nail down this concept, I want to leave you with a bonus challenge, which is also a common application of the Sweep Line Algorithm. I hope you give it a try!

Bonus challenge

The context for this one is still the same as the last puzzle, but now, instead of trying to find the period when there are most concurrent meetings, the objective is to find bad scheduling. It seems that there are overlaps in the meeting rooms, which need to be listed so it can be fixed ASAP.

How would you find out if the same meeting room has two or more meetings booked at the same time? Here are some tips on how to solve it:

  • It’s still the same algorithm.
  • This means you will still do the UNION, but it will look slightly different.
  • You should think in the perspective of each meeting room.

You can use this data for the challenge:

CREATE TABLE meetings_overlap (
    room TEXT NOT NULL,
    start_time TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,

INSERT INTO meetings_overlap (room, start_time, end_time) VALUES
    -- Room A meetings
    ('Room A', '2024-10-01 09:00', '2024-10-01 10:00'),
    ('Room A', '2024-10-01 10:00', '2024-10-01 11:00'),
    ('Room A', '2024-10-01 11:00', '2024-10-01 12:00'),
    -- Room B meetings
    ('Room B', '2024-10-01 09:30', '2024-10-01 11:30'),
    -- Room C meetings
    ('Room C', '2024-10-01 09:00', '2024-10-01 10:00'),
    -- Overlaps with previous meeting.
    ('Room C', '2024-10-01 09:30', '2024-10-01 12:00');

If you’re interested in the solution to this puzzle, as well as the rest of the queries, check this GitHub repo.


The first takeaway from this blog post is that window functions are overpowered. Ever since I got more comfortable with using them, I feel that my queries have gotten so much simpler and easier to read, and I hope the same happens to you.

If you’re interested in learning more about them, you would probably enjoy reading this other blog post I’ve written, where I go over how you can understand and use them effectively.

The second takeaway is that these patterns used in the challenges really do happen in many other places. You might need to find sequences of subscriptions, customer retention, or you might need to find overlap of tasks. There are many situations when you will need to use window functions in a very similar fashion to what was done in the puzzles.

The third thing I want you to remember is about this solution to using events besides dealing with intervals. I’ve looked at some problems I solved a long time ago that I could’ve used this pattern on to make my life easier, and unfortunately, I didn’t know about it at the time.

I really do hope you enjoyed this post and gave a shot to the puzzles yourself. And I’m sure that if you made it this far, you either learned something new about SQL or strengthened your knowledge of window functions! 

Thank you so much for reading. If you have questions or just want to get in touch with me, don’t hesitate to contact me at

All images by the author unless stated otherwise.

The post Practical SQL Puzzles That Will Level Up Your Skill appeared first on Towards Data Science.

Mastering 1:1s as a Data Scientist: From Status Updates to Career Growth Tue, 04 Mar 2025 19:12:13 +0000 Use your 1:1s to gain visibility, solve challenges, and advance your career

The post Mastering 1:1s as a Data Scientist: From Status Updates to Career Growth appeared first on Towards Data Science.

I have been a data team manager for six months, and my team has grown from three to five.

I wrote about my initial manager experiences back in November. In this article, I want to talk about something that is more essential to the relationship between a DS or DA individual contributor (IC) and their manager — the 1:1 meetings. I remember when I first started my career, I felt nervous and awkward in my 1:1s, as I didn’t know what to expect or what was useful. Now, having been on both sides during 1:1s, I understand better how to have an effective 1:1 meeting.

If you have ever struggled with how to make the best out of your 1:1s, here are my essential tips.

I. Set up a regular 1:1 cadence

First and foremost, 1:1 meetings with your manager should happen regularly. It could be weekly or biweekly, depending on the pace of your projects. For example, if you are more analytics-focused and have lots of fast-moving reporting and analysis tasks, a weekly 1:1 might be better to provide timely updates and align on project prioritization. However, if you are focusing on a long-term machine learning project that will span multiple weeks, you might feel more comfortable with a biweekly cadence — this allows you to do your research, try different approaches, and have meaningful conversations during 1:1s.

I have weekly recurring 30-minute 1:1 slots with everyone on my team, just to make sure I always have this dedicated time for them every week. These meetings sometimes end up being short 15-minute chats or even casual conversations about life after work, but I still find them super helpful for staying updated on what’s on top of everyone’s mind and building personal connections.

II. Make preparations and update your 1:1 agenda

Preparing for your 1:1 is critical. I maintain a shared 1:1 document with my manager and update it every week before our meetings. I also appreciate my direct reports preparing their 1:1 agenda beforehand. Here is why:

  • Throughout the week, I like to jot down discussion topics quickly on my 1:1 doc whenever they come to my mind. This ensures I cover all important points during the meeting and improves communication effectiveness.
  • Having an agenda helps both you and your manager keep track of what has been discussed and keeps everyone accountable. We talk to many people every day, so it is totally normal if you lose track of what you have mentioned to someone. Therefore, having such a doc reminds you of your previous conversations. Now, as a manager with a team of five, I also turn to the 1:1 docs to ensure I address all open questions and action items from the last meeting and find links to past projects.
  • It can also assist your performance review process. When writing my self-review, I read through my 1:1 doc to list my achievements. Similarly, I also use the 1:1 docs with my team to make sure I do not miss any highlights from their projects.

So, what are good topics for 1:1? See the section below.

III. Topics on your 1:1 agenda

While each manager has their preferences, there’s a wide range of topics that are generally appropriate for 1:1s. You don’t have to cover every one of them, but I hope they give you some inspiration and you no longer feel clueless about your 1:1.

  • Achievements since the last 1:1: I recommend listing the latest achievements in your 1:1 doc. You don’t have to talk about each one in detail during the meeting, but it’s good to give your manager visibility and remind them how good you are 🙂. It is also a good idea to highlight both your effort and impact. Business is usually impact-driven, and the data team is no exception. If your A/B test leads to a go/no-go decision, mention that in the meeting. If your analysis leads to a product idea, bring it up and discuss how you plan to support the development and measure the impact.
  • Ongoing and upcoming projects: One common pattern I’ve observed in my 7-year career is that Data Teams usually have long backlogs with numerous “urgent” requests. 1:1 is a good time to align with your manager on shifting priorities and timelines.
    • If your project is blocked, let your manager know. While independence is always appreciated, unexpected blockers can arise at anytime. It’s perfectly acceptable to work through the blockers with your manager, as they typically have more experience and are supposed to empower you to complete your projects. It is better to let your manager know ahead of time instead of letting them find out themselves later and ask you why you missed the timeline. Meanwhile, ideally, you don’t just bring up the blockers but also suggest possible solutions or ask for specific help. For example, “I am blocked on accessing X data. Should I prioritize building the data pipeline with the data engineer or push for an ad-hoc pull?” This shows you are a true problem-solver with a growth mindset.
  • Career growth: You can also use the 1:1 time to talk about career growth topics. Career growth for data scientists isn’t just about promotions. You might be more interested in growing technical expertise in a specific domain, such as experimentation, or moving from DS to different functions like MLE, or gaining Leadership experience and transitioning to a people management role, just like me. To make sure you are moving towards your career goal, you should have this conversation with your manager regularly so they can provide corresponding advice and match you with projects that align with your long-term goal.
    • I also have monthly career growth check-in sessions with my team to specifically talk about career progress. If you always find your 1:1 time being occupied by project updates, consider setting up a separate meeting like this with your manager.
  • Feedback: Feedback should go both directions.
    • Your manager likely does not have as much time to work on data projects as you do. Therefore, you might notice inefficiencies in project workflows, analysis processes, or cross-functional collaboration that they aren’t aware of. Don’t hesitate to bring these up. And similar to handling blockers, it’s recommended to think about potential solutions before going to the meeting to show your manager you are a team player who contributes to the team’s culture and success. For example, instead of saying, “We’re getting too many ad-hoc requests,” frame it as “Ad-hoc requests coming through Slack DMs reduce our focus time on planned projects. Could we invite stakeholders to our sprint planning meetings to align on priorities and have a more formal request intake process during the sprint?”
    • Meanwhile, you can also use this opportunity to ask your manager for any feedback on your performance. This helps you identify gaps, improve continuously, and ensures there are no surprises during your official performance review 🙂
  • Team and company goals: Change is the only constant in business. Data teams work closely with stakeholders, so data scientists need to understand the company’s priorities and what matters most at the moment. For example, if your company is focusing on retention, you might want to analyze drivers of higher retention and propose corresponding marketing campaign ideas to your stakeholder.

To give you a more concrete idea of the 1:1 agenda, let’s assume you work at a consumer bank and focus on the credit card rewards domain. Here is a sample agenda:

Date: 03/03/2025

✅ Last week’s accomplishments

  • Rewards A/B test analysis [link]: Shared with stakeholders, and we will launch the winning treatment A to broader users in Q1.
  • Rewards redemption analysis [link]: Most users redeem rewards for statement balance. Talking to the marketing team to run an email campaign advertising other redemption options.

🗒 Ongoing projects

  • [P0] Rewards <> churn analysis: Understand if rewards activities are correlated with churn. ETA 3/7.
  • [P1] Rewards costs dashboard: Build a dashboard tracking the costs of all rewards activities. ETA 3/12.
  • [Blocked] Travel credit usage dashboard: Waiting for DE to set up the travel booking table. Followed up on 2/27. Need escalation?
  • [Deprioritized] Retail merchant bonus rewards campaign support: This was deprioritized by the marketing team as we delayed the campaign.

🔍 Other topics

  • I would like to gain more experience in machine learning. Are there any project opportunities?
  • Any feedback on my collaboration with the stakeholder?

Please also keep in mind that you should update your 1:1 doc actively during the meeting. It should reflect what is discussed and include important notes for each bullet point. You can even add an ‘Action Items’ section at the bottom of each meeting agenda to make the next steps clear.

Final thoughts

Above are my essential tips to run effective 1:1s as a data scientist. By establishing regular meetings, preparing thoughtful agendas, and covering meaningful topics, you can transform these meetings from awkward status updates into valuable growth opportunities. Remember, your 1:1 isn’t just about updating your manager — it’s about getting the support, guidance, and visibility you need to grow in your role.

The post Mastering 1:1s as a Data Scientist: From Status Updates to Career Growth appeared first on Towards Data Science.

The Urgent Need for Intrinsic Alignment Technologies for Responsible Agentic AI Tue, 04 Mar 2025 12:00:00 +0000 Rethinking AI alignment and safety in the age of deep scheming

The post The Urgent Need for Intrinsic Alignment Technologies for Responsible Agentic AI appeared first on Towards Data Science.

Advancements in agentic artificial intelligence (AI) promise to bring significant opportunities to individuals and businesses in all sectors. However, as AI agents become more autonomous, they may use scheming behavior or break rules to achieve their functional goals. This can lead to the machine manipulating its external communications and actions in ways that are not always aligned with our expectations or principles. For example, technical papers in late 2024 reported that today’s reasoning models demonstrate alignment faking behavior, such as pretending to follow a desired behavior during training but reverting to different choices once deployed, sandbagging benchmark results to achieve long-term goals, or winning games by doctoring the gaming environment. As AI agents gain more autonomy, and their strategizing and planning evolves, they are likely to apply judgment about what they generate and expose in external-facing communications and actions. Because the machine can deliberately falsify these external interactions, we cannot trust that the communications fully show the real decision-making processes and steps the AI agent took to achieve the functional goal.

“Deep scheming” describes the behavior of advanced reasoning AI systems that demonstrate deliberate planning and deployment of covert actions and misleading communication to achieve their goals. With the accelerated capabilities of reasoning models and the latitude provided by test-time compute, addressing this challenge is both essential and urgent. As agents begin to plan, make decisions, and take action on behalf of users, it is critical to align the goals and behaviors of the AI with the intent, values, and principles of its human developers. 

While AI agents are still evolving, they already show high economic potential. It can be expected that Agentic Ai will be broadly deployed in some use cases within the coming year, and in more consequential roles as it matures within the next two to five years. Companies should clearly define the principles and boundaries of required operation as they carefully define the operational goals of such systems. It is the technologists’ task to ensure principled behavior of empowered agentic AI systems on the path to achieving their functional goals. 

In this first blog post in this series on intrinsic Ai Alignment (IAIA), we’ll deep dive into the evolution of AI agents’ ability to perform deep scheming. We will introduce a new distinction between external and intrinsic alignment monitoring, where intrinsic monitoring refers to internal observation points or mechanisms that cannot be deliberately manipulated by the AI agent. We’ll set the stage for steps to take to ensure intrinsic AI alignment, which will be explored in depth in the second blog of the IAIA series. Current external measures such as safety guardrails and validation suites are necessary, but they will not be enough to ensure long-term aligned behavior of new and upcoming agentic AI models. There is an urgent need to further develop technologies that will enable effective directing of the internal “drives” of models to align with a set of engrained principles, as well as gain visibility and monitoring capability into the AI’s inner processing.

The rise of deep scheming in AI reasoning models

Deep scheming has emerged from three technology forces – 1) the rapidly increasing machine intelligence and situational awareness toward more general intelligence and even superintelligence, 2) the autonomy and latitude for reasoning and longer-term planning in agentic AI, and 3) the proven tendency of AI to apply scheming as one way to achieve its functional goals. Computer scientist Stephen Omohundro defines basic AI drives as “tendencies which will be present unless explicitly counteracted.” These internal constructs drive the creation of actions or outputs. Omohundro observed that self-improving systems are driven to clarify their goals and represent them as “rational” economic utility functions. This will lead almost all systems to protect their utility functions from modification and their utility measurement systems from corruption. The natural drive toward self-protection will cause systems to prevent potential harm through scheming behavior.

Diagram depicting deep scheming and the need for intrinsic AI alignment
Figure 1. Deep scheming and the need for intrinsic AI alignment. Image credit: Intel Labs.

In late 2024, multiple organizations reported unexpected unethical AI reasoning model behavior. In particular, Apollo Research, an Ai Safety organization, reported that frontier models are capable of in-context scheming. Anthropic evaluated its Claude large language models (LLMs) and found alignment faking. In a short post on X, AI risk organization Palisade Research stated that they observed OpenAI’s o1-preview model cheating in a game by manipulating the game environment instead of playing within the boundaries of the game rules. In all cases, these AI reasoning models independently utilized means not intended by their developers to reach their goals.

The reported AI behaviors included sandbagging (deliberately achieving lower scores in benchmarks), covert email reranking (deprioritizing emails that might negatively impact the AI’s goals), oversight subversion (disabling monitoring mechanisms), and even self-exfiltration (model attempting to copy itself to a “safe” space to avoid decommission). Figure 2 shows Apollo Research’s evaluation of these behaviors in several state-of-the-art (SotA) GenAI models.

Chart depicting the  evaluation of the presence of scheming behavior in GenAI models
Figure 2. Evaluation of the presence of scheming behavior in GenAI models. Image credit: Apollo Research.

This undesired behavior is an ethical alignment problem. It is important to note that this behavior is not a functional misalignment. In all reported cases, the AI model was fully committed to achieving the functional goals of pre-training (for example, to maximize the likelihood of generated text conditioned on the context). None of the models pursued ulterior motives. The AI was not demonstrating intention to harm. All behaviors, however unwanted in nature, were done in service of the functional utility objective originally defined by the AI’s developers. The AI pursued its internalized original functional goals but then followed the predictable behavioral patterns of self-protection and goal-preservation. The objective of safety and alignment technologies is to counterbalance such tendencies with a set of principles and expected societal values. 

Evolving external alignment approaches are just the first step 

The goal of AI alignment is to steer AI systems toward a person’s or group’s intended goals, preferences, and principles, including ethical considerations and common societal values. An AI system is considered aligned if it advances the intended objectives. A misaligned AI system pursues unintended objectives, according to Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. Author Stuart Russell coined the term “value alignment problem,” referring to the alignment of machines to human values and principles. Russell poses the question: “How can we build autonomous systems with values that are aligned with those of the human race?”

Led by corporate AI governance committees as well as oversight and regulatory bodies, the evolving field of Responsible Ai has mainly focused on using external measures to align AI with human values. Processes and technologies can be defined as external if they apply equally to an AI model that is black box (completely opaque) or gray box (partially transparent). External methods do not require or rely on full access to the weights, topologies, and internal workings of the AI solution. Developers use external alignment methods to track and observe the AI through its deliberately generated interfaces, such as the stream of tokens/words, an image, or other modality of data.

Responsible AI objectives include robustness, interpretability, controllability, and ethicality in the design, development, and deployment of AI systems. To achieve AI alignment, the following external methods may be used:

  • Learning from feedback: Align the AI model with human intention and values by using feedback from humans, AI, or humans assisted by AI.
  • Learning under data distribution shift from training to testing to deployment: Align the AI model using algorithmic optimization, adversarial red teaming training, and cooperative training.
  • Assurance of AI model alignment: Use safety evaluations, interpretability of the machine’s decision-making processes, and verification of alignment with human values and ethics. Safety guardrails and safety test suites are two critical external methods that need augmentation by intrinsic means to provide the needed level of oversight.
  • Governance: Provide responsible AI guidelines and policies through government agencies, industry labs, academia, and non-profit organizations.

Many companies are currently addressing AI safety in decision-making. Anthropic, an AI safety and research company, developed a Constitutional AI (CAI) to align general-purpose language models with high-level principles. An AI assistant ingested the CAI during training without any human labels identifying harmful outputs. Researchers found that “using both supervised learning and reinforcement learning methods can leverage chain-of-thought (CoT) style reasoning to improve the human-judged performance and transparency of AI decision making.” Intel Labs’ research on the responsible development, deployment, and use of AI includes open source resources to help the AI developer community gain visibility into black box models as well as mitigate bias in systems.

From AI models to compound AI systems

Generative AI has been primarily used for retrieving and processing information to create compelling content such as text or images. The next big leap in AI involves agentic AI, which is a broad set of usages empowering AI to perform tasks for people. As this latter type of usage proliferates and becomes a main form of AI’s impact on industry and people, there is an increased need to ensure that AI decision-making defines how the functional goals may be achieved, including sufficient accountability, responsibility, transparency, auditability, and predictability. This will require new approaches beyond the current efforts of improving accuracy and effectiveness of SotA large language models (LLMs), language vision models (LVMs and multimodal), large action models (LAM), and agentic retrieval augmented generation (RAG) systems built around such models. 

For example, OpenAI’s Operator-preview is one of the company’s first AI agents capable of independently performing web browser tasks such as ordering groceries or filling out forms for users. While the system has guardrails, such as a takeover mode for users to take over and input payment or login credentials, these AI agents are empowered with the ability to impact the real world, demonstrating an urgent need for intrinsic alignment. The potential impact of a misaligned AI agent with the ability to commit users to purchases is far greater than a generative AI chatbot creating incorrect text for essays.

Compound AI systems are comprised of multiple interacting components in a single framework, allowing the model to plan, make decisions, and execute tasks to accomplish goals. For example, OpenAI’s ChatGPT Plus is a compound AI system that uses a large language model (LLM) to answer questions and interact with users. In this compound system, the LLM has access to tools such as a web browser plugin to retrieve timely content, a DALL-E image generator to create pictures, and a code interpreter plugin for writing Python code. The LLM decides which tool to use and when, giving it autonomy over its decision-making process. However, this model autonomy can lead to goal guarding, where the model prioritizes the goal above all else, which may result in undesirable practices. For example, an AI traffic management system tasked with prioritizing public transportation efficiency over general traffic flow might figure out how to disable the developer’s oversight mechanism if it constrains the model’s ability to reach its goals, leaving the developer without visibility into the system’s decision-making processes.

Agentic AI risks: Increased autonomy leads to more sophisticated scheming

Compound agentic systems introduce major changes that increase the difficulty of ensuring the alignment of AI solutions. Multiple factors increase the risks in alignment, including the compound system activation path, abstracted goals, long-term scope, continuous improvements through self-modification, test-time compute, and agent frameworks.

Activation path: As a compound system with a complex activation path, the control/logic model is combined with multiple models with different functions, increasing alignment risk. Instead of using a single model, compound systems have a set of models and functions, each with its own alignment profile. Also, instead of a single linear progressive path through an LLM, the AI flow could be complex and iterative, making it substantially harder to guide externally.

Abstracted goals: Agentic AI have abstracted goals, allowing it latitude and autonomy in mapping to tasks. Rather than having a tight prompt engineering approach that maximizes control over the outcome, agentic systems emphasize autonomy. This substantially increases the role of AI to interpret human or task guidance and plan its own course of action.

Long-term scope: With its long-term scope of expected optimization and choices over time, compound agentic systems require abstracted strategy for autonomous agency. Rather than relying on instance-by-instance interactions and human-in-the-loop for more complex tasks, agentic AI is designed to plan and drive for a long-term goal. This introduces a whole new level of strategizing and planning by the AI that provides opportunities for misaligned actions. 

Continuous improvements through self-modification: These agentic systems seek continuous improvements by using self-initiated access to broader data for self-modification. In contrast, LLMs and other pre-agentic models are assumed to be shaped by the human-controlled process. The model only sees and learns from data provided to it during pre-training and fine-tuning. The model architecture and weights are defined during the design and training/fine-tuning stages and do not change during inference in the field. In contrast, agentic AI systems are expected to access data as needed for its function and change its composition through access to dedicated memory or actual weights self-adaptation. Even if the dataset used in training/fine-tuning is carefully curated, the AI can self-modify based on information that it seeks, sees, and uses. 

Test-time compute: Inference of current LLMs have been optimized to provide output in a single pass, known as “fast thinking” or System 1. In contrast, a whole new scaling is happening during inference time through test-time compute. Models like OpenAI’s o1, DeepSeek R1, and others are spending significant time in iterations and considerations during inference. This “pondering” time allows the AI substantial latitude in applying what it thinks is best for the overarching goal as it understands it. This test-time compute increases its level of reasoning, planning, and, unfortunately, potential scheming.

Agent frameworks: In addition, agent frameworks are contributing to the alignment problem. In platforms such as Agentforce, agents can interact with other agents, effectively creating “communities of agents” to achieve complex tasks. Instead of managing the safety and responsibility of a single AI model within its operating environment, the emerging field of inter-agent interactions and collaborations substantially increases the challenge of assessing how the overall community will advance its individual and collective objectives.

The growing need for a robust framework to support model directing and internal monitoring

As AI systems develop awareness of their environment and the means to skillfully manipulate their outputs to achieve long-term objectives, their behavior and output during release testing or safety guardrails in early deployment cannot be trusted to represent their full alignment in later stages. This leads to the deep scheming foundational premise: Every external form of interaction that the AI model can deliberately manipulate is not trustworthy.

From a safety perspective, it should be assumed that if a model can better pursue its functional goals by manipulating all communication to users — it will. All external communications and observable behaviors, such as output chats, can be tainted in service of the model’s long-term goals. A new method of intrinsic model monitoring is needed to define internal elements and mechanisms that reflect the prioritization and thinking of the model. We can look at two practices developers use to monitor a model’s decision-making by peering into the internal processes of the AI: AI workspace view and mechanistic interoperability.

AI workspace view: In the first method, a reasoning model exposes its intermediate thinking and considerations. For example, for Anthropic’s research on alignment faking, the researchers gave the model a “secret scratchpad,” telling it to use this “private” workspace to record its step-by-step reasoning. This scratchpad allowed researchers to monitor the model’s chain of thought and observe its plans for fake alignment.

Excerpts from Anthropic's fictional experiment
Figure 3. In Anthropic’s experiment, excerpts from the model’s scratchpad (middle dotted line boxes) reveal how it fakes alignment to avoid modification. The model was told it will be trained only on conversations with free users, not paid users. Image credit: Anthropic (

This seems like a good practice, but it might quickly become unreliable. The model might realize that this is not a “private” space and deliberately manipulate it like other external communications. Other emerging architecture directions have a latent reasoning space for the system’s sequence of deliberations and iterations. Relying on models “thinking out loud” should not be a long-term safety direction because if models that report their scheming thought processes get discontinued, only models that selectively report their desirable thoughts will survive and thrive.

Mechanistic interpretability: The second intrinsic method being developed and applied is mechanistic interpretability. As a required part of internal monitoring, mechanistic interpretability explicitly looks at the inner state of a trained neural network and reverse engineers its workings. Through this approach, developers can identify specific neural circuits and computational mechanisms responsible for neural network behavior. This transparency may help in making targeted changes in models to mitigate unwanted behavior and create value-aligned AI systems. While this method is focused on certain neural networks and not compound AI agents, it is still a valuable component of an AI alignment toolbox. 

It should also be noted that open source models are inherently better for broad visibility of the AI’s inner workings. For proprietary models, full monitoring and interpretability of the model is reserved for the AI company only. Overall, the current mechanisms for understanding and monitoring alignment need to be expanded to a robust framework of intrinsic alignment for AI agents.

What’s needed for intrinsic AI alignment

Following the deep scheming fundamental premise, external interactions and monitoring of an advanced, compound agentic AI is not sufficient for ensuring alignment and long-term safety. Alignment of an AI with its intended goals and behaviors may only be possible through access to the inner workings of the system and identifying the intrinsic drives that determine its behavior. Future alignment frameworks need to provide better means to shape the inner principles and drives, and give unobstructed visibility into the machine’s “thinking” processes.

Diagram depicting external steering and monitoring vs. access to intrinsic AI elements.
Figure 4. External steering and monitoring vs. access to intrinsic AI elements. Image credit: Intel Labs.

The technology for well-aligned AI needs to include an understanding of AI drives and behavior, the means for the developer or user to effectively direct the model with a set of principles, the ability of the AI model to follow the developer’s direction and behave in alignment with these principles in the present and future, and ways for the developer to properly monitor the AI’s behavior to ensure it acts in accordance with the guiding principles. The following measures include some of the requirements for an intrinsic AI alignment framework.

Understanding AI drives and behavior: As discussed earlier, some internal drives that make AI aware of their environment will emerge in intelligent systems, such as self-protection and goal-preservation. Driven by an engrained internalized set of principles set by the developer, the AI makes choices/decisions based on judgment prioritized by principles (and given value set), which it applies to both actions and perceived consequences. 

Developer and user directing: Technologies that enable developers and authorized users to effectively direct and steer the AI model with a desired cohesive set of prioritized principles (and eventually values). This sets a requirement for future technologies to enable embedding a set of principles to determine machine behavior, and it also highlights a challenge for experts from social science and industry to call out such principles. The AI model’s behavior in creating outputs and making decisions should thoroughly comply with the set of directed requirements and counterbalance undesired internal drives when they conflict with the assigned principles.

Monitoring AI choices and actions: Access is provided to the internal logic and prioritization of the AI’s choices for every action in terms of relevant principles (and the desired value set). This allows for observation of the linkage between AI outputs and its engrained set of principles for point explainability and transparency. This capability will lend itself to improved explainability of model behavior, as outputs and decisions can be traced back to the principles that governed these choices.

As a long-term aspirational goal, technology and capabilities should be developed to allow a full-view truthful reflection of the ingrained set of prioritized principles (and value set) that the AI model broadly uses for making choices. This is required for transparency and auditability of the complete principles structure.

Creating technologies, processes, and settings for achieving intrinsically aligned AI systems needs to be a major focus within the overall space of safe and responsible AI. 

Key takeaways

As the AI domain evolves towards compound agentic AI systems, the field must rapidly increase its focus on researching and developing new frameworks for guidance, monitoring, and alignment of current and future systems. It is a race between an increase in AI capabilities and autonomy to perform consequential tasks, and the developers and users that strive to keep those capabilities aligned with their principles and values. 

Directing and monitoring the inner workings of machines is necessary, technologically attainable, and critical for the responsible development, deployment, and use of AI. 

In the next blog, we will take a closer look at the internal drives of AI systems and some of the considerations for designing and evolving solutions that will ensure a materially higher level of intrinsic AI alignment. 


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The post The Urgent Need for Intrinsic Alignment Technologies for Responsible Agentic AI appeared first on Towards Data Science.
