I recently made a career shift slightly away from Data Science to a more engineering-heavy role. My team is building a high-quality data warehouse to feed the organization’s BI and ML needs. I took this position because I saw it as an opportunity to use the insight I’ve gained from my data science roles to influence the design and development of a data warehouse with a forward-looking focus.
In nearly every data science role I’ve worked in over the past 6 years, I noticed a common theme – the data infrastructure wasn’t designed with data science in mind. Many tables in the data warehouse/lakehouse, usually facts and dimensions, lacked critical fields or structure required to build performant machine learning models. The most prevalent limitation I noticed was that most tables only tracked the current state of an observation rather than the history.
This article explores this common problem and demonstrates how to address it through a data modeling technique called Slowly Changing Dimensions. By the end, you’ll understand the impact of storing historical data on your model’s performance, and you’ll have strategies to help you implement this for your use cases.
A Common Curse for Data Scientists
If you’ve worked as a data scientist or Machine Learning engineer for long enough, you’ve likely encountered the following modeling problem. For each instance in your data, you want to model the probability of some event occurring over time:

This modeling paradigm, often referred to as panel modeling, comes up everywhere. Any modeling problem where the features interact with time can and often ** should be modeled this way. Common examples** include customer churn prediction, loan default prediction, disease progression monitoring, fraud detection, equipment failure prediction, and many more.
More formally, you can describe this problem with the following notation:

Take loan default prediction as an example. The generic goal is to predict the probability that an individual will default on a loan (Y) for each time period (t) since their loan originated using time-varying borrower features (X). For a given borrower, your model’s predictions might look something like this:

In this plot, t = 0 is the loan origination week, and t = 100 is when the loan reaches maturity. For this example, the model predicts the borrower’s default probability to decrease as the loan approaches completion, but this won’t always be the case depending on the individual’s credit profile and other relevant features.
To create features for this model, you’ll likely rely on several fact and dimension tables in your data warehouse. For instance, many of your features might come from a dim_borrower
dimension table that records borrower attributes. In many organizations that adopt machine learning initiatives later in their lifetime, the dim_borrower
table looks like this:

Each row in dim_borrower
records attributes of an individual borrower uniquely identified by a borrower_key
. For instance, borrower 153443 currently has a FICO score of 567, an income of $55,123, and a DTI ratio of 0.25. The created_datetime_utc
is the time when the record was created, and updated_datetime_utc
is the last time the record was updated.
The problem with these kinds of dimension tables is that they don’t keep track of history. In the above example, you have no idea what borrower 153443’s FICO, income, and DTI ratio were when the record was created on 2024–04–19
. You also don’t know how many times the record has been updated or which features have been updated. All you know is the borrower’s current features, the time their record was created, and the time of the most recent update.
If you construct a panel training set with borrower 153443’s data, it’d look something like this:

The issue with this training data is that it’s probably incorrect until weeks_to_completion
= 0 when you have the most recent record of the borrower’s features. In reality, the history of the borrower’s data probably looks more like this:

This data tells a different story than the original training data that applied the borrower’s most recent features to their history. You can see that the borrower’s FICO score dropped significantly from week 20 to week 11, and their DTI ratio increased from 0.018 (almost no debt) to 0.25. These changes indicate that the borrower acquired more external debt over these weeks, and their credit profile worsened. A model trained on this dataset will be far superior to one trained on the dataset that doesn’t keep a historical record of the borrower’s features.
Now that you understand the problem with tables that don’t track history, you’ll explore one of the best and most popular ways to address it – slowly changing dimensions.
The Solution: Slowly Changing Dimensions
One of the best and most popular ways to track the history of a dimension is through a data modeling paradigm called slowly changing dimensions (SCD). An SCD is what it sounds like – a relatively stable dimension that changes (slowly) over time. There are four types of SCDs, but the most common is SCD type II.
The loan borrower dimension is a perfect SCD candidate. Under the SCD paradigm, the standard dimension table like this one:

Becomes this:

In this borrower SCD, each row represents a borrower’s attributes during a time interval defined by start_datetime_utc
and end_datetime_utc
. For example, from roughly 2024–04–27 to 2024–06–09, borrower 153443 had a FICO score of 567, an income of $55,123, and a DTI Ratio of 0.25. The current state of each borrower is recorded where is_current
= 1 or equivalently when end_datetime_utc
is null. Hence, borrower_key
is unique only when is_current
= 1.
Think about the impact of using SCD data for your machine learning models. If all the tables you use to create the dataset for your machine learning model are SCDs or facts, you can train the best possible model with an accurate view of how changes in feature values over time affect your target.
You can easily transform SCDs to create the panel view your model needs. Think back to the borrower 153443 example from the previous section:

From the perspective of the training data, the dti_ratio
feature over time looks like this:

A model trained on the standard dimension data can’t see how the DTI ratio changes over time and can’t accurately model how changes in the DTI ratio affect the probability of loan default. Conversely, the model trained on SCD data has complete visibility into the history of the borrower’s DTI ratio and can incorporate this into its predictions.
In production, if you compare the predictions between the two models for the same borrower, you may get drastically different results:

At inference time, the model trained on standard dimension data only knows the borrower’s current feature values. In the case of borrower 153443, this model can only see that the loan balance is decreasing or staying the same over time. Because of this, the predicted probability of default will steadily decrease over time unless the borrower’s features move into an extreme range indicative of a default in the training data.
On the other hand, the model trained on SCD data sees the borrower’s FICO score dropping and their DTI ratio rising. As a result, the predicted probability of default increases over time as the borrower becomes more risky.
You can probably imagine many more situations where SCDs, or generally tables that track full history, would be useful. To conclude this article, you’ll get a few tips on what you can do to start using SCDs in your organization.
Call to Action
Depending on your role, you can advocate for SCDs or other history tracking tables to improve the quality of machine learning models in your organization.
Data Engineers
If you’re a data engineer, you likely get at least some say in the design of your data warehouse/lakehouse. If you’re unsure whether a table should track history, by default, it probably should. While implementing SCDs requires more complicated ETLs, it’s often well worth the work for the value it brings.
The most common pushback you’ll get is the increased storage costs, but storage is cheap in most modern data platforms thanks to columnar storage formats.
Data Scientists/ML Engineers
As a data scientist/ML engineer, you might have less say in data warehouse/lakehouse design, especially if machine learning models aren’t the primary consumers of your organization’s data. Do the best you can to advocate for tables that track history.
If you can’t influence the upstream tables you consume, start tracking history in your feature stores or the datasets that feed your models. It might take a while before you can leverage the historical data you collect, but the sooner you can start the better.
Product Managers
Perhaps the best way to influence the creation of history-tracking tables is by making them a product requirement. Machine learning models are only as good as the data their training data, and models that use historyless data can never reach their full potential. To build the highest quality machine learning product, you need the highest quality data, and datasets that track history are fundamental for high-quality models.
Final Thoughts
Tracking feature histories is a must-have for building smarter machine learning models. By incorporating historical data into your datasets, you capture context and temporal dynamics, improving prediction accuracy and model robustness.
Adopting historical data tracking does come with challenges, such as increased storage needs and more complex ETL processes. However, the payoff in model performance and insights far outweighs these costs. For data engineers, data scientists, and product managers, embracing history tracking as a foundational principle can elevate your organization’s data infrastructure and machine learning capabilities.
Start small if needed – advocate for changes in key tables, build historical tracking into feature stores, or incorporate SCDs into new data pipelines. The value of historical data grows over time, and the sooner you begin, the better your models will be positioned to deliver actionable, context-aware predictions.
By focusing on feature histories, you’re not just building better models – you’re laying the groundwork for a more insightful and future-ready data ecosystem.
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- _Slowly Changing Dimensions – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slowly_changing_dimension_